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Karkat, you douche.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:12 pm

Everything was fine.
All things were well.
Or at least, that's what John kept telling himself.
The boy sat on the couch with his two children, watching Con Air. It took some convincing, but they were finally watching it. Although, there was a lack of his husband.
Casey had mentioned it before that he was out for a while and should have been back by now, but they haven't heard anything from him.
John didn't even know where the troll went, never even seeing him leave the house.
"Something weird is going on." Casey muttered softly, putting her PDA away "Vriska is always online, yet right now she isn't."
John looked at his lap.
"Maybe I should call Kanaya... See whats going on." The girl sighed "Should I?"
"If you feel like it's the right thing to do..." John responded "I also want to know what happened to your father..."
Casey nodded and stood up, taking her PDA out again and quickly giving Kanaya a call.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:25 pm

Kanaya maryam looked up from comforting the troll girl that was crying,"Shush.Vriska it's going to be fine.Stop crying."Vriska just sobs louder,"I can't do this,fussyfangs!I HATE IT!"Kanaya just ruffles her hair and walks over to the phone and answers it,"Hello?"
Once realizing it was casey, kanaya tries to explain but ends up failing,saying they better come see it themselves .She was about to say good bye when she was interrupted by vriska's crying becoming painful to hear,loud enough for casey to hear over the phone. The phone line then went dead.
"Oh god..."Ash remarked, he had even been able to hear vriska.
Karkat has to resist the urge to laugh,"You got what was coming to you, spiderbitch!"

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:36 pm

Casey looked back towards her brother and Mom.
"...What the f*ck?" She asked, hanging up.
John stood up and turned off the TV.
"I guess we should go check whats going on." John said, a bit worried.
"...I hope Vriska's okay..." Casey wondered out loud as she started to make her way towards the door.
John was nervous, a horrible feeling filled his gut as he rushed to get his shoes on and out the door.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:47 pm

Ash nodded.
They then begin the trek to kanaya's house,making it there in 60 minutes.Ash knocks on the door,and instead of kanaya,it's rose who opens the door.
She has this troubled look on her face, "They're upstairs.."She says,guessing who they were looking for.
"KARKAT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" "BRING IT ON!" Rose just face palms and lets them inside.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:51 pm

Casey blinks before walking inside first, grabbing her hesitant mother's wrist and she started to walk up the stairs.
She was being slower then usually, having an uneasy feeling within her.
John knew it, he looked back at Ash then back ahead as they continued up the stairs and onto the floor where the problem was set.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:02 pm

The first thing ash sees is vriska sitting in a corner,looking like she wanted to murder someone. Dried brown blood around her wrists,hair is sorta a mess."I'm not afraid to do it-I could manipulate you-" "No You couldn't. I doubt you can even do that anymore, Spiderbitch" "Don't remind me.."Vriska's voice cracked at the end. her voice sounds almost hollow.
Ash glances around,looking for his father. He finds him glancing around,looking at stuff like it was unfamiliar to him even though he's been up there a million times before.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:09 pm

Casey took notice of her father, a bit confused by what he was doing.
She immediately walked over towards Vriska, kneeling in front of her and examining her for a minute.
"Vriska- What...?" She asked, looking at the strange colour of blood around her wrists, she then looked back at Kanaya with a confused look.
John kept his eyes on Karkat, yet he stayed still.
Something wasn't right.
Something definitely wasn't right.
"K-Karkat...?" He asked.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:17 pm

Kanaya just walks over to vriska and casey,She mutters to casey in a low tone of voice "There was a incident.Vriska's blood color changed and your father lost part of his memory..We're not sure what." Vriska just mutters, "He's turned into a douche that's what."
Karkat blinks at being addressed, "Oh Hey...Um..Your Name's John, Right?"

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:25 pm

Casey looked at Kanaya and heard Karkat speak. She stood up and stared at him, then back at John and she could easily see the lost puppy look on his face.
John's heart dropped, hoping this was some kind of prank.
"...Wh-what?" He asked, his voice shaking "Th- It has to be some sort of joke, right? H-haha, Karkat, you got me."
Casey shook her head.
"I don't think he's joking around, Mom..." She said softly, earning a sad look from him.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:39 pm

Karkat says,"I'm not."He tilts his head, confused. "Wait did you just say he's your- Nevermind.I'm not gonna ask." He glances at kanaya, "Hey Kanaya. Mind explaining stuff to me later like why we're on this shit hole of a planet and not alternia?"
Kanaya nods, "I'll explain later. "
"Honestly,I know who you people are. Just not...Our 'relations' or whatever. I mean I know egbert as the kid i used to troll. but i'm pretty sure i trolled jade longer. "

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:59 pm

Casey looked back over towards Karkat.
"...Daddy..." She muttered softly, then looked back at John.
His face looked so defeated, so pitiful. You could almost see the tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
"I-I'm going to go downstairs now..." John muttered, turning away and hurrying downstairs.
"Wa-" Casey started, then figured it was pointless.
She sighed, looked at Karkat then at Vriska, realizing how this was a big mess.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:06 am

Ash is just speechless.
Karkat facepalms, "And it looks like i fucked up again." He glances up at casey and ash, "Might as well get introductions out of the way since i don't remember them. I'm karkat vantas, Pleasure to meet you or it would be under different circumstances. "
Vriska lets out a sigh and gets up, "I'm going to go check on john."

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:16 am

Casey watched as Vriska descended down the stairs, she then looked at Ash and back at her father.
A scowl came onto her face as she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Casey Vantas. Nice you to meet you too." She growled, then turned and followed Vriska.

John stood at the bottom of the stairs, hands pressed against his eyes as he choked out a sob.
This just had to happen to him.
He was going to tell Karkat the gender of the baby too as soon as he saw him.
That plan just went to shit.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:24 am

"..What the ..."Karkat started but then stopped,deciding to keep his mouth shut. He turns to kanaya, "Can i borrow your phone? I need to call someone.I need to ask them something-" Kanaya wordlessly hands him the phone and karkat begins to dial the number he remembers.
Ash just stares at his father, and mutters "I can't believe you forgot.What the hell did you do."

Once Vriska has descended the stairs, she takes a seat next to john and pulls him into a comfort hug.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:08 am

Once she was almost at the bottom, she stopped and looked down as Vriska and John were hugging. John's muffled cries could be heard as Vriska tries to comfort him.
"Vriska, can you tell me exactly what happened...?" She asked, stepping past the two in order to get in front of them.
As she waited for a response, her eyes gazed over her mother, who was basically clinging to Vriska. It was clear it had a baby bump, it wasn't big, but for being 5 months pregnant it wasn't a normal size either.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:35 am

Vriska comforts John before saying, "We were trying to get John's dad back. We knew it was possible since Sollux managed to get all of our lusus's back along with alternia...But karkat accidentally messed with the wrong files....and well..the device might have exploded..We should have asked Sollux or something."

Karkat waits for her to answer, when she does, he asks right away"Terezi..What happened?Weren't we matesprits a few days ago....?" " huh?Karkat are you messing with me....?,

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:21 pm

Hearing that, John could only cry harder. Wow, how shitty could this day possibly get.
He felt like such a wimp, unable to contain his emotions, but then again, it was only worse because of his state.
He kept choking out sobs and gasping for air, finding himself turning into a big mess.
Casey facepalmed and grumbled.
"So because of that..." She started, then let out a growl "F*ck, this really isn't good."

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:56 pm

"Could have been worse..Though i don't know how...."Vriska just lets out a sigh, "I'll pester sollux and make him see if there's a way to reverse this shit.."
Karkat shakes his head, "I'm not joking.Terezi ..I need you to tell me. "

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:09 pm

"Hopefully there is..." Casey muttered, shaking her head. "..I should head back upstairs and grab Ash."
She walked past the two on the steps, once again heading upstairs.

John clutched onto Vriska, he was starting to calm down. His cries becoming softer until they were just little whimpers and sniffs.
He started to pull away, wiping his eyes on his arm as he continued to calm down.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:04 pm

Vriska waits until john's calmed down enough before saying, "Wanta go see what he remembers or....?"

Karkat just glares at his phone while ash watches.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:33 pm

John considered it for a second, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes.
"I don't... know if I can-..." He started, then sighed and stood up. "Fine, let's go."
He waited for Vriska to stand up before he slowly made him way back upstairs.

Casey goes back towards her brother, looking over at her Dad.
"...Why is he glaring at his phone...?" She whispered.

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:15 pm

Vriska starts to ascend the stairs, glancing around as she did.

Karkat hears her and says,"Because it died on me while I was trying to figure something out."Ash rolls his eyes, "he was asking terezi something over the phone I believe before it died."

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:38 pm

John stays back and keeps quiet, not wanting to say anything in order to upset anyone.
He glances around for a moment then keeps looking at his feet- well, his stomach, since his feet are kind of hidden.

Casey nods.
"Uh-huh..." she then runs a hand through her hair and looks at Vriska and John. "Everything cool now?"

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:59 pm

Vriska nods and just watches karkat for a moment before asking,"Karkat.do you know what day it is?"
Karkat says,"Tuesday,June 12th-meaning...Oh it's my birthday.Barely worth mentioning."He shrugs, not seeming to care. "Eh I guess i could lament all of the faults of my existence later-Can i borrow your phone,Vriska?" Vriska considers it for a moment before handing karkat her phone.Karkat dials a number and looks at the contact name."Real mature,Vriska."

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Karkat, you douche. Empty Re: Karkat, you douche.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:04 pm

Casey looked at Ash, almost silently asking him if he knew it was their father's birthday.
...When did his birthday ever come up in a conversation at all?
Guess he just really didn't want to mention it at all.
"Well happy birthday then." She sighed, "Great way to spend it."

John knew it was Karkat's birthday, actually.
He had a surprise ready. Well, at least he did.
Guess that just fell to complete shit as well.

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