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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:23 am

"Oh thank fucking god." Casey said releaved "I would have smacked you if it was Eridan."
She then nodded.
"I do want to meet him~ It should be quite interesting."

John watched in complete awe, he couldn't even remember that there was popcorn once the movie really started. He stayed perfectly still, focusing on Nic Cage's glorious face.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:38 am

"Trust me,No me gusta eridan.He's a pathetic wimp and yeah it shall be interesting.i expect you two to hate each other or get along famously."Vriska remarks.

Karkat just watches on how john's absorbed by the movie,he turns his gaze back to the movie and watches.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:47 am

Casey shrugged.
"Depends on the first impression I get, I suppose." She sighed happily "It's funny how you assume either way, instead of hoping we'd get along."

John had to keep reminded himself to blink, but deep down he feared that if he did he would miss something. Obviously it was a bit stupid to be thinking that, but it's a Nic Cage movie for crying out loud!
Shifting, John tried to get more comfortable in order to enjoy the movie better. Finally finding his place, he relaxed yet again and continued watching the movie.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:13 pm

vriska lets out a laugh,"Well I'm sorta hoping you two do get along..I mean..Honestly,I wouldn't want you two trying to kill each other..."She then adds quietly in her thoughts,I don't want you two to end up trying to kill each other like terezi and i did...

Karkat actually finds he's enjoying the movie,mostly because there was a cameo by will smith.He adores the hell out of his work,and is pleased to know that he was included in the movie.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:41 pm

Casey nodded and patted her best friends shoulder.
"No worries, I doubt we'll kill each other." She winked, laughing softly "Unless a fucking prick. Then I will probably beat the shit out of him. But that's about it."
She smirked and then started to walk towards the food court, almost strutting.

John broke his gaze away from the TV and looked at Karkat, whom he expected to actually be focused on something else. When he noticed that the other was actually watching the movie, he smiled, snuggled up closer to him and continued watching the movie.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:18 pm

Vriska rolls her eyes and follows casey.

Karkat snuggles with john,kissing the other's cheek softly before going back to the movie.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:38 pm

Walking into the food court, Casey glanced at the various choices of fast food resturants and turned to look at Vriska who seemed to still be catching up.

A slight blush sneaked its way onto John's face. He tried to hide it with his hair, finding it ridiculous considering Karkat was probably still watching the movie. He let out a huff and focused on the TV.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:25 pm

The girl catches up to her friend,and she glances up at the many signs of the fast food restaurants in the mall.

Karkat smirks at john in the corner of his eye,he had seen everything despite the boy not knowing.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:35 pm

Casey looked at Vriska.
"I have no idea which one you want to go to... Honestly it's all pretty bad..." She sighed.

John soon relaxed, noticing the movie should be reaching the ending soon. He didn't want it to end, which would mean he would have to detach himself from Karkat, which he was enjoying the warmth a lot. Biting the inside of his cheek, he figured he would have to deal with it.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:47 pm

Vriska thinks for a moment,before pointing at a random restaurant,"That one."Hey her luck hasn't failed her before as she starts walking,and it certainly isn't going to fail her now.

The movie ends with a zoom out of nick cafe walking towards the sunset,and karkat detaches himself from john to go look for his hivetop so he can put amnesia on it.He misses the warmth already,John in his arms.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:57 pm

Casey simply shrugs and follows Vriska.
"Hopefully it's not too shitty..." She sighed, stretching her arms up above her head and lacing her fingers behind her head, staying like that as she walked.

John let out a sigh and turned off the tv, pulling his legs up to his chest as he watched Karkat look for his hivetop. Hugging his legs tight, he rested his cheek on the top of his knees, finding it not as comforting as the warmth was before.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 01, 2012 12:07 am

Vriska stops in front of the newly built ramen place,and sniffs the air."mmmmm..smells yummy."She murmurs.

He finds his hivetop,and puts the disc in. installing it before he takes it back downstairs and sits down next to john,He selects play.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 01, 2012 12:17 am

Casey focuses on the smell, sure, it smelt good but she wasn't going to trust the place. She hated eating new things. Being sick was a nightmare to her.

John leans in close to look over Karkat's shoulder at the screen, waiting for the game to begin.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 01, 2012 12:26 am

vriska gets in line and soon reaches the front,ordering some miso ramen.

Karkat watches as the game starts,turning out to be vaguely creepy...His eyes widen at the interior of the castle.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 01, 2012 12:33 am

Casey crosses her arms, standing a bit further from the line. She catches a few people looking at her weird, because of her horns. She rolls her eyes and growls deeply.

John blinks, feeling shivers run up his spine as he watched Karkat play. Within a second, he's squeezing his manpillow, which was on the otherside of the couch.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 01, 2012 12:39 am

Vriska is handed her ramen,and she heads back over to casey.She shoots a deadly glare at the people giving her strange looks.

Karkat starts to make the character collect the necessary items,and follows the trail of liquid on the ground until he spots a trophy?of a man?he makes the character pick it up and mutters something about stephano.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 01, 2012 12:57 am

Casey laughed at the looks Vriska was giving people.
"C'mon lets go sit down." She sighed, turning and heading towards a table which was in the far corner.
Once she reached it, she sat down and leaned into the chair.

John raises an eyebrow and looks at Karkat.
"...Stephano?" He asked, confused and curious

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri May 04, 2012 6:31 pm

Vriska sits down in a chair at the table,and leans back,stifling a yawn as she begins to eat her ramen.

"Stephano's the statue....You'd have to watch pewdiepie to get it."Karkat says.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 04, 2012 6:47 pm

Casey watched as Vriska ate her food, honestly wondering if it tasted good or not. Focusing on something else, she placed her elbow on the table and let out a sigh.
Lost in her mind, she stared off into space.

John blinks a few times before muttering a soft 'oh' before turning his attention to the creepy game.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 05, 2012 4:38 pm

Vriska watches casey for a moment,wondering what she's thinking about.

After a while,the two reach the point right around the time the first monster appears.Neither of them know it but karkat gives the controls to john.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 05, 2012 9:33 pm

Spaced out, Casey started to think about the events in her life, finding most of them boring and uninteresting. But then she started to think of the newest person in her life. She couldn't seem to forget about him as she chewed on her stomach lip thoughtfully.

John blinks down at the screen and starts to play, getting the weirdest feeling that something was going to happen. He then heard a weird monster-like noise and the music got all weird. Panicking, he let out a scream bashed his fingers on the controls in order to get away and not end up dead.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 05, 2012 9:36 pm

Vriska just slurps on her ramen,her thoughts taking off to the thoughts of flarp.Ah,She needed to speak to terezi about a new campaign for that.

"Run egbert!Run."Karkat says,staring at the screen in horror as the monster catches up and slashes at the player character though john does manage to find a hiding spot soon.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 05, 2012 10:00 pm

Going to certain thoughts, Casey's face flushed a bright pink. She felt it, but in no way snapped out of her trance.

Once John found the hiding spot, he brought both his hands to his face and let out a shaky breathe.
"Oh my goddddd, whyy did you let me handle thaaaat?" He asked, his voice shaking too.
His heart was beating fast, and here he thought being scared by a game was nearly impossible.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 06, 2012 4:55 pm

Vriska finishes her ramen,and sips on her soda,with a amused look on her face as she debated what to do next.

"I didn't know that was going to happen."Karkat said,shaking as well.Goddamn that was almost as scary as gamzee.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 06, 2012 11:38 pm

Blinking, Casey finally snapped back to reality and looked at Vriska.
"What are you so amused about?" She asked.

John covered his face with his hands and shook his head.
"You play! I don't want to! Oh my god, I'm so scared!" He said, literally freaking out.
He muttered a few curses under his breath and started to calm down.

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