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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:15 pm

A confused look appears on ash's face,"Alright...if you're sure.."He goes back to sketching his hoody design.

"Who's designing the dress anyways?"Vriska asks,She makes a face at the word pink."Pink is a disgrace for a color."She then mutters something under her breath about stupid seadwellers.She blinks,seeing a mocking jay pin that's for hunger games.She picks it up,"mm Terezi would like this.."

Karkat thought for a moment,giving john a happy smile that lasts only for a moment before walmart comes into sight.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:30 pm

Tyler nodded and stared down at the open page of his sketch book. He took his pencil and started to randomly draw lines onto the page, hoping silently it would come out as something.

"Kanaya." Casey sighed "Hopefully she won't make me wear that horrible color... It just doesn't suit me... at all!" She sighed, looking up at the wall where it displayed the tee-shirt designs they had.
"We should have brought Ash. All these pokemon tees would have made him a fanboy."

Glancing at the walmart, John's smile stretched. It was enough to knock him out of his thoughts.
As they reached the side of the parking lot, the boy got excited and let go of Karkat's hand, finally bolting forward and reaching the main entrance. He turned around and waited for Karkat to catch up.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:35 pm

"Fussiefangs hates that color so you're good,the dress will probably be blue so it matches your eyes."Vriska then adds with a grin,"Well pick one out for him then.I'll buy it for him."

Karkat lets out a chuckle,and runs to the entrance,catching up to john."So we're going to the eletronics section right?"Karkat asks.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:59 pm

"Blue sounds nice, but I just hate dresses." Casey sighed deeply "I guess I can put up with it for one day..."
She then scanned over the selections, finally spotting a black one which had Pikachu's face right on it. Smiling she found it in it's pile and took it, holding it infront of her to get a better look.
"I think he'd like this..." She said softly "It's simple enough."

John nodded quickly and took Karkat's hand again. He then turned and nearly speed-walked into the store.
"C'mon, Karkat! We have to hurry!" John said happily, looking back at his fiance.
He knew they didn't have to hurry, but he just wanted the movie so bad.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:20 am

Vriska nods,agreeing with casey before looking at the shirt designs."Hey casey which one do you like?"She asks,not letting her voice change it's tone.She's not going to let the girl figure out that she's going to buy the shirt for her until the last mintue.

Karkat rolls his eyes,but never the less quickens his pace.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:31 am

Blinking, Casey glanced back over towards the shirts. She was confused as to why she was being asked this.
She then spotted an 'Asking Alexandria' tee-shirt. The bright colors were splattered on there like paintballs and the bands name in white right in the middle.
"That one." She pointed to it. "But why are you asking?"

Once they reached the electronics section, John detached himself from Karkat once again and quickly walked to the section where he would find the beloved movie. He scanned through it eagerly, not finding it as easy as he thought he would have.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:03 am

Vriska quickly picks up the tshirt casey had pointed to in casey's size,"Because i'm going to get it to you,Le Duuuuuh."She walks over to the counter and buys the tshirts in less than 8 seconds.

Karkat just headed to the video game section,and starts browsing through the selection,selecting amnesia from the various games on the shelves.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:11 am

Casey huffed and walked up to Vriska.
"Jesus, you are sly." She said sarcastically "I knew you were, I was playing dumb."
She then pulled out her pda and glanced at the time.
"We have a while... Wanna chill in the food court and discuss for a bit? Or do you want to continue shopping?" She asked the older girl.

Just as John was about to give up hope, there is was. In all it's glory. The new Nic Cage movie. His blue eyes lit up as he reached for it and scanned it over, running a finger over 'Nicolas Cage' which was printed on the front. A goofy smile on his face as he read the description on the back of it.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:22 am

Vriska thinks for a moment,before hearing her stomach growl.'Food court."She says,"We can shop after we eat and talk."She starts walking with a yawn ,before bumping into a certain duo,"Hey Watch where You-""Oh Hey Vriska."Terezi says.Aradia blinks surprised.

Karkat checks the description before heading to where john was.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:27 am

Casey blinks and stopped walking. She stares at the two girls, a bit surprised by their looks.
"Hey Terezi, Aradia." She greeted "what brings you here?"

John looked up from the movie and glanced in Karkat's direction and smiled happily.
"You got your game, I see." He said, then he started walking towards the cashier.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:35 pm

A grin crosses terezi's face as she holds up a bag filled with video games and dvds,"Shopping for a sleepover at kanaya's and Rose's place,i don't want to have to watch a vampire romcom.."Aradia nods,"Which is why we bought adventure games and Indiana jones movies...Might not be as good as the troll versions but they're decent."

"Yep."Karkat says,with a smile,following the other to the counter where they both bought the movie and the game.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:13 pm

Casey nodded and laughed.
"Well that seems fun." She said, smiling softly.

Once they bought their stuff, John then started to head towards the exit. He was nearly bouncing as he was excited to get home and watch the movie while snuggling the manpillow.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:17 pm

"Uh-Huh,Maybe you can come if you'd like."Terezi stated with a smile,"I don't know if your dad would say yes though."Vriska mutters,"We always could blackmail him."

Karkat just blinks at john's happiness at getting the movie,Well at least he wouldn't be watching the movie with john unless egbert made him watch...He really hoped john wouldn't make him.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:03 pm

Casey turned her head to look at Vriska.
"Blackmail..? With what?" She asked, honestly a bit confused.

John stopped walking so fast and waited until he was next to Karkat. A derpy smile painted on his face as he hummed happily as they both walked back home.
"I can't wait to watch this!!" He laughed.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:12 pm

Vriska lets out a laugh,"Oh.Something he doesn't want anybody to know.."She pulls out her pda,and logs onto karkat's trollian account,"He has a bunch of embarrassing things in his trollian chatlogs~"

Karkat laughs,"Well At least you'll enjoy watching it."He glances down at the case before asking,"I'm assuming you'll be snuggling with your manpillow while you watch it?"

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:22 pm

Casey blinked before laughing.
"...Oh boy." She sighed, before smirking "I guess a little blackmail wouldn't hurt~"

John blinked and looked at Karkat.
"Unless you want me to snuggle with you?" He asked "I mean, I doubt you would want that... since that involves watching the movie."
He looked back ahead and stretched his arms up.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:32 pm

Vriska nods,"And then there's his relationship to his ancestor..who i'm betting he hasn't told you about yet?"

Karkat thinks for a moment,"Well then I'll watch the movie and snuggle with you..besides "He pokes john's cheek,"I'm probably going to ask you to play amnesia with me."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:37 pm

Casey simply shrugged.
"Hasn't told us, but Ash knows quite a bit about him." She said simply. "He tends to withhold a lot of information from us."

John's face immediately lit up as he looked at Karkat.
"Really?!" He asked happily.
His face nearly glowed from the smile he was sporting. A laugh emerged from his mouth.
"That game sounds kind of interesting, I'd like to play it with you, actually."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:46 pm

Vriska raises a eyebrow,but shrugs."Karkat's always been a very...secretive person..but really his ancestor was awesome considering how he's troll jesus."

"Yes really."Karkat says with a smile,and he blinks when john said he wants to play amnesia with him,"Well we'll play it after the movie then."He then reaches for john's hand,and their fingers intertwine.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:51 pm

"Troll Jesus, huh?" Casey asked, laughing a bit. "Thats quite funny."
She then looked at Terezi and Aradia.
"You can count me in on this sleepover, even if the blackmail doesn't work, I'll just sneak out." She shrugged.

John nodded and squeezed Karkat's hand softly.
"This will be fun!" He said happily.
He looked back ahead and saw their house coming into view, it was oh so close. The boy resisted the urge to run over there.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:55 pm

Aradia nods,"Okay.I'll tell kanaya you'll be there."Terezi glances at the time,"Well we need to go.I have a date to get ready for..."She glances at vriska,"Speaking about dates vrissie,Your boyfriend says hi."Vriska's eyes widen and just blinks as terezi and aradia walk away.

they soon reach the house,and karkat lets go of john's hand,"I'm going to go make popcorn."He grins and heads off into the kitchen.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:59 pm

Boyfriend. Boyfriend.
The word rings through Casey's head as she snaps her head around to glare at Vriska. Mostly shocked, surprised and a bit pissed.
"Boyfriend?!" Casey asked "You have a boyfriend?!"
She didn't bother to keep her voice down, unable to believe she wasn't told about this.

"Okay!" John called over towards Karkat.
The boy opened the box and walked over towards the DVD player, turning it on and popping the movie in. He grabbed the remote, turned on the tv and walked towards the couch. He sat there, eagerly waiting for Karkat to return with the popcorn.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:09 am

Vriska just shouts after terezi,
"Pyrope!I swear i'm going to make you blind again if you can't keep your mouth shut!"
She scowls,before a bit of blush appears on her face,"yes.boyfriend.Matesprit,whatever the f*ck it's called."
She then adds,"It's not that special.."

Karkat gets out the popcorn box,and takes a package out,placing it in the microwave and putting it in for the required time for it.2 minutes and 45 seconds pass before karkat takes it out of the microwave opens the bag,and gets a bowl down.He pours the popcorn into the bowl,picks it up and then heads back into the living room,taking his seat by john.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:13 am

Casey stood their with her mouth open.
"Of course it's special!" She interjected "I can't believe you didn't tell me."
A pout was placed on the girls face.

John smiled and inched towards Karkat. He had pressed play on the menu of the movie and rested his head on the other's shoulder. He then reached into the bowl of popcorn and took one out, resulting in him eating it.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 3 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:20 am

Vriska thinks for a moment,"Honestly If it makes you feel any better you can meet him when i'm a troll again..He's a seadweller though...and no it's not eridan."

Karkat puts his arm around john,and takes a piece of popcorn from the bowl as the movie starts which results in him eating it.He watches as the movie starts.

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