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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 21, 2012 11:06 pm

Casey, whom was awake for a bit finally begun walking downstairs. She needed to get up early in order to go to school, although she was planning on just heading home and telling some bullshit lie about feeling sick or something. Her Mom did get quite gullible when told about feeling sick.
Walking into the living room, she glanced around to see if everyone was asleep still, except spotting Vriska going to open the door.

John awoke slowly, a bit confused about the dream he had. Sitting up, he grabbed his glasses, noticing the empty space on the bed directly next to him. He knew Karkat wouldn't be sleeping there with him, but sometimes he would just like to enjoy the fact that he was there. Even for a second.
Then, he started to think of all the things the dead Karkat had told him, and thats all he could think of.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 21, 2012 11:15 pm

Vriska opens the door,and is suddenly hugged,"Mommmmmmmm You promised you'd take me flarping today...Wait..why are you one of those....I'm not gonna ask."The boy says,He has black hair in a shag style,it looks silky enough to run your hands through,and fins ike a seadweller would have.His hours are similar to nepeta's in a way.He had glasses on...and seems to have ...vision 8-fold..Just who is this kid?

Karkat wakes up,blinking at the sun.He stretches much like a cat before he hops off the couch,and goes into the kitchen to make breakfast.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 21, 2012 11:30 pm

Casey turned her hair, hearing an unfamiliar voice.
She looked at the boy in the doorway. He looked like a troll but-
...Wait. Did he just call Vriska 'Mom'?
No, this can't be. Casey must be losing her mind right now to think Vriska had a child.
But then again, she never did hesitate to keep secrets from her before...
The girl was so tempted to walk over there and give Vriska a piece of her mind, but she'd rather hear what Vriska had to say first.

John scooted out of bed, noticing that he had fallen asleep without a shirt on for once, only in his bright blue boxers. Yawning, he grabbed a random shirt which was on the dresser, not caring about the color or noticing that it happened to be one of Karkat's shirts. Although it was a bit big on him, he simply ignored that and started to walk downstairs.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 21, 2012 11:40 pm

Vriska's eyes narrow,"And you came here to tell me that why?""Because You're my ancestor or whatever,I'm still gonna call you mom but you're obligated to take me."Kaelan says,frowning.
"Can't you make your lusus take you?""He's being lazy."Vriska blinks at this,"Yoooooooou poooooooor Ba-Fine ,i'll take you.You f*cking little brat.You're lucky i pity you."Kielan smirks,"Victorrryyyyy"

Karkat looks up,hearing the other awake and peers out the kitchen..Was egderp wearing his shirt?...He blinks again to make sure he's fully awake before smirking,He is so taking a picture of this.He pulls out his pda and snaps one before the other can react.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 21, 2012 11:51 pm

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Casey interupts "Hold the f*ck up."
She walks over to Vriska, narrowing her eyes at the taller girl.
"What the f*ck, Vriska?" She asked, stopping at the door "You never tell me anything."
Casey crossed her arms over her chest, growling at the other as she kept her glare.

"Wh- Hey!" John says, knowing he's too late and Karkat had just taken a picture of him.
"Why did you-?" He started, looking down and answering his own question "...Oh..."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 12:01 am

Kielan and Vriska just look at each other,and simply say at the same time,"You don't ask."Vriska then adds,"Besides he's a ecto baby...ugh.."Kielan rolls his eyes at his mother,and takes a second to look at the hybrid."Well Hello There.The Name's Kielan,Beautiful.Don't wear it out."He winks at her,before maneuvering his way past her to vriska's backpack and picking it up."

"Yeah..Sorry I had to..You look adorable in it."Karkat remarks,turning away as he put the pda back into his pocket.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 12:09 am

Just as she was about to open her mouth to make a snarky remark, Casey stopped and heard what Kielan had said to her. Her eyes followed him as the new boy walked over towards Vriska's backpack.
Did it just get hot in there or was Casey's face suddenly burning up? Maybe she was sick.
"U-Uhm. Nice to meet you. I'm Casey." She finally squeaked.

John's face flushed a pretty pink color, although he quickly turned his head to the side, in hopes that it would go unnoticed.
"R-Right." He stuttered "I thought it was my own. It was an honest mistake."

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 12:17 am

Kielan picks up vriska's backpack,and turns around,noticing the other's blush.Heh..Sorta adorable.He walks back towards the two girls,and gives the backpack to vriska before leaning in to whisper in casey's ear,"Well It's nice to meet you too.I'll see you around,I suppose."He then pulls away and walks outside.

"It's fine John."Karkat remarks,before asking,"Do you want any breakfast or no?"

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 12:24 am

Casey blinked and shivered at that.
Okay, yeah, definitely sick. That is the only explaination she can think of.
Before she realizes it, her face grew hotter.
"Damn." She said, not even noticing the word slip out of her mouth as she watched him walk away.

"Of course I do!" John says happily, bouncing into the kitchen to check on what Karkat was doing.
"Whatchya making?" He asked.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 12:31 am

"And since i assume I'm being waited on,Bye casey."Vriska said,walking outside as welll.

"Pancakes,John."Karkat says,happily."Well..It's pretty much the only thing i know how to cook too..."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 12:41 am

"Uh, Bye..." Casey said, closing the door behing them.
She then realized she should be getting home soon too. She just needed to gather her stuff.
And thats exactly what she went and did.

John laughed and patted Karkat's shoulder. His smile then dropped and he ran a hand through his hair.
"You know... I had an interesting dream last night..."

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 12:42 am

Karkat continues flipping pancakes before asking,"Really?What happened in it?"He's sorta curious.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 12:46 am

"Well..." John started "It involved you."
He waited a moment before continuing with the story.
"But it was a dead you from another timeline."

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 12:49 am

Karkat's eyes widen a bit,and he stays silent for a moment,wanting the other to continue with this 'story'.Why the heck does he have the feeling that he's going to be in trouble?

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 12:53 am

John lets out a sigh.
"I was told some things... Things you've neglected to tell me." John sighed "About Jack."
God, how he hated that name, it was nothing but a curse. That name belonged to the person who made him lonley in the first place after the game had ended.
It took all of John's courage to not shed a tear.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 12:59 am

Karkat bites down on his lip hard,a bit of blood comes out of his lip as he says,"...Now you know why i didn't tell you..Honestly..i don't regret making friends with my jack"He thinks for a moment,thinking how to phrase this"When you're in a world full of people who are normal,You're the only freak and here comes along a person who's like you even down to the blood colour..You make friends with them because they make you feel like less of a freak..."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 1:08 am

John only looks down, taking this all in. Maybe their Jack's were just different. But it still hurt just a bit. He shook his head and sighed.
"I'm not going to lecture you about how your decision was kind of... well- actually it was a bit reasonable," The boy started, looking up at Karkat "It's the fact that he did such terrible things... I can't correct what happened in the past, and I'm just glad that Jack is long gone."
He turned his head away, thinking back to when he did find his Dad's body, alongside with Rose's. That one thought haunted him for so long, since he would constantly dream about it.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 1:16 am

"I'm glad as well..Though i wish the batter witch had disappeared along with him. "Karkat remarks,a frown coming onto his face as he finishes making the pancakes.He knows exactly what the other is thinking about,and says"I know it's hard,john.I know you miss your dad..We all lost our parental figures because of that game..But Your Dad's death will be still pretty hard to get over despite it being years..."He doesn't blame the other..Losing a parent like that...It's just..Karkat's glad that he never got to have one...Sure his lusus's death had been hard but considering how he was back now,He doesn't have a reason to complain.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 3:39 pm

John nodded, taking a large huff of air. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, nothing at all. There was just so much he wanted to tell his Dad, let him know everything that's been going on.
He hated Jack for what he did, no matter what, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.
Hating him more wouldn't bring his Dad back.
Realizing he was holding his breath, John breathed out. He then put a small smile on his face, without noticing a single tear finally slip down his face.
"Well, I'm just glad I was able to make him proud." He finally said, before gazing back at the ground.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 4:59 pm

Karkat notices the single tear going down the other's face,before leaning over and wiping it away.He just watches the other,not saying a word.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 8:53 pm

John looks up at Karkat, then realizes a few more tears running down his face. Sighing and letting out a faint laugh, he wiped them away with his own hands.
"Sorry, force of habit." He said, smiling again.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 8:56 pm

"It's fine,Egderp."Karkat remarks,"You have every right to cry anyways."He then turns back to the pancakes.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 9:08 pm

"I cry too much though." John sighed, looking out towards the window.
The boy caught his bottom lip in between his teeth and started to think again, getting lost in thought.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 22, 2012 9:11 pm

Karkt rolls his eyes,and puts the pancakes on a plate before taking one for himself.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 13 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 22, 2012 9:19 pm

John slowly snaps back to reality, taking one pancake and placing it on the plate before walking towards the table and sitting down. He stared at it for a moment then started eating it.

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