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Karkat and John

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:58 pm

Karkat finished making his plans,"Sollux You're staying here,John You and I are going to look for Terezi and meet up with her then we'll figure out our plan of attack from there"He said,He glanced at john and murmured softly"I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess"

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:09 pm

"I'm the one who volunteered to come here, remember?" John asked "Besides, if you got all the help you can get, we can solve this easily."
He quickly followed Karkat to go find his friend, still a bit nervous and worried.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:23 pm

Terezi looked up,"Karkles!"She quickly got up and glomped him.
Karkat blinked,and said"Hi tez"He glanced looking at john's reaction

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:33 pm

John jumped a bit when he watched the girl glomp the other.
He could have sworn he felt a bit jealous, but he quickly pushed that feeling back down and looked at the ground, raising his hand to his mouth and letting out a small cough.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:44 pm

Terezi quickly got off of him and adjusted her glasses,"Sorry about that"She said,helping karkat up."It's fine.I'm used to your shenanigans"Karkat said.He looked away pointedly from her."So any idea what made gamzee freak out?"He asked. Terezi answered"Dave showed him a video apparently."

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:57 pm

John slapped his hand on his face in frustration.
"That stupid idiot!" He muttered "When I talk to him he is so dead."
He wasn't actually serious about killing Dave, at least. He would never be able to kill him anyway. He was just pissed at the fact he caused all of this.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:11 pm

"He thought he was 'helping' him"Terezi said,shaking her head."So what's the easy way to calm gamzee down?"Karkat asked,Terezi muttered something to him.Karkat blinked"You sure that'll work?"Terezi answered"Yes"

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:16 pm

John looked between the two, tilting his head in confusion.
He decided not to ask about it, seeing as he didn't want to bother anyone.
So he just stayed silent.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:23 pm

Karkat sighed and said"Guess it's time to follow the ...honks?"He heard one that sounded far away,He just took out his sickle from his strife deck,

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:31 pm

"...Honks?" John asked, turning in the direction he had also heard it coming from.
He stiffened, unsure of what to do. He looked back at Karkat then back towards the direction the noise was coming from.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:41 pm

Karkat nodded and said"That's where gamzee is most likely."He lets out a nervous laugh,"he's pretty...Friendly when he's not in insane mode."He sighed,"He's my best friend."He murmured as he started walking.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:46 pm

John decided to move on his own, not even thinking he gently grabbed Karkat's arm and stopped him from walking.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:49 pm

Karkat stopped walking when the boy had grabbed his arm and looked at john,what was this about....?

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:55 pm

John felt himself blush as he gave the other a worried look.
"Be careful... Okay?" He asked.
He felt himself start to shake out of fear.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:59 pm

Karkat blinked at this,and turned away,blushing slightly.He thought for a moment,and pulled the other boy into a quick hug."Don't worry.I'll be fine."He said.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:11 pm

John nodded slowly and hugged the troll back, stepping away after a short period of time and watching closely, not wanting to get in his way.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:26 pm

Karkat let go of the other quickly and started to walk in the direction of the honking.Okay,Bro Hug and Get this over with,he thought.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:40 pm

John stepped back again, watching as he clutched the bottom of the shirt he was wearing.
He gulped back and stood there nervously.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:09 pm

Terezi just watched as karkat walked off and started rummaging through her bag,"I might as well find a spare tshirt for karkles since he's going to freak out if he gets hit and he bleeds"She remarked,sniffing the air to find the tshirt's scent.
Karkat contiuned walking,the honking getting louder with every step.honk.HONK.honk.HOOOOOOOONK.He shivered a bit,as he made his way.Hopefully John and Terezi would be safe.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:20 pm

John turned his head back towards Terezi.
"Are you sure it's safe for him to go over there...?" He asked, looking back towards Karkat.
Well... Maybe he'll be safe... they are best friends after all He thought to himself.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:36 pm

"I am pretty sure,John.I have already foreseen what'll happen anyways,He'll be fine."Terezi said.
Karkat disappeared out of view as he walked down a hallway,The honking got louder and louder as he opened a door,and disappeared inside where the familiar troll was standing,purple blood dripping from three scratches on his face and..He was wearing equisis's glasses and nepeta's hat?

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:48 pm

John sighed and slowly followed Karkat, not even sure if he should.
He peered into the room biting his lip in anticipation and worry.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:58 pm

Karkat just put his sickle down on the ground,not noticing john walking inside,and walked over to his friend,taking off nepeta's hat of him and equisis's sunglasses.Gamzee growled in frustation,But Karkat shushed him.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:11 am

John raised his eyebrow, wincing as he heard Gamzee growl.
Why is he acting so calm?! He thought, panicking a bit himself.

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Karkat and John - Page 5 Empty Re: Karkat and John

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:15 am

Karkat patted gamzee on the head,A pattern happened.Every time Gamzee would growl,karkat would shush him and pat his head.this happened for a minute before gamzee calmed down and gave karkat a hug.Karkat hugged him back,smiling a bit.

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