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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 19, 2012 12:16 am

Casey narrowed her eyes at the screen, sticking her tongue out of her mouth as she concentrated on the game.
Killing those weird zombie things was practically a hobby for her now, if she was able to even call it that.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 19, 2012 12:28 am

Terezi laughs a bit,watching casey get jump scared.She blinks at the gore,and sniffs the air.Ah The smell of cherries prominent in the air due to the red colour on screen.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 19, 2012 12:48 am

Casey looks up at Terezi.
"You want to play? I'm getting tired." She asked.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 19, 2012 12:54 am

"Yeah,I guess?"Terezi shrugs,She takes the controls from the girl.She pauses the game quickly,and opens trollian, 'H3Y COOL K1D 4R3 YOU 4W4K3? >:]'

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 19, 2012 1:07 am

Casey nodded and walked away, looking for somewhere to sleep.

Dave glanced at his computer, seeing Terezi talking to him, he walked over and smirked.
'me? asleep? man, sleep is non-existant with me. whats up?'

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 19, 2012 1:12 am

'JUST PL4Y1NG 4 ZOMB13 G4M3 1RON14LLY,WH4T 4BOUT YOU COOL K1D?"Terezi smiles at the message,returning to playing the game while she waited for dave to respond.
Rhett glances around,seeing pretty much some people going to bed,the trolls not even tired.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 19, 2012 11:34 am

Dave's smirk could have gotten bigger, but he refused to let it, despite the fact nobody could see him.
'nothing really. waiting for the sun to come up, i guess.' he typed, looking at the clock for just a moment before adding 'but thats not for a while.'

Casey stopped in the middle of the living room, glancing at the couch and seeing Jake completely knocked out. She sighed and ran a hang through her hair.
Maybe another sleepless night won't be that bad, she could always sleep through her classes then pass out once she got home.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 19, 2012 10:39 pm

Terezi thinks for a moment,"HMMMM.W3LL YOU COULD 4LW4YS PL4Y CO-OP W1TH M3 1F YOU'D L1K3. >;]."She goes back to playing the game,fullwell expecting the strider to say no.

Rhett sees casey ,looking for somewhere to sleep he presumes and walks over to her."There's guest bedrooms on the second floor if you're tired." He says.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 12:11 am

'sure, why not?'
Dave leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers against his desk as he awaited a response.

Casey blinked and turned towards Rhett.
"Is there?" She asked.
She then gazed towards the stairs.
"God, I'm too tired to even go up those..." She muttered.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 12:25 am

A boy walks down the streets of troll jegus knows where,him being pretty short.His eyes the normal for a troll of his age,6 sweeps.He glances around,trying to look for any recognizable person or item.He glances down,his shirt still stained with blood.One reason he hated dream bubbles and being dead was that he was not allowed to look for new shirts...another reason was that he couldn't tell who he was going to meet in them.He spots a head of black hair,and sneaks up on the person."Hey Egbert,what are you doing here?"Karkat tilts his head,curiously.

Terezi blinks at this,exiting out of the game and starting to set up the co-op.She sends the link,and tries to keep her smile to herself.Not wanting anyone to really see it.

Rhett lets out a chuckle and grins,
"I could always carry you if you'd like."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 12:38 am

John figured he was asleep, seeing as he didn't remember getting up. He heard a familiar voice, a smile on his face as he begun to turn around.
"Ka-" He stopped.
His smile faded as he looked at the troll. John seemed to be a bit taller then the troll, but he didn't seem... right. Blood soaked through his shirt and tears welled up in John's eyes.
"Wh-?" He couldn't form any words, so it seemed.

Dave clicked the link and waited for the game to load. This will turn out to be quite fun.

A slight blush formed on Casey's face as her eyes widened. She prayed it wasn't all that noticeable. A smirk then played on her face in order to cover it up.
"Well, that is if you can carry me." She said.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 12:58 am

Even when karkat's dead,john never ceases to confuse him.
The troll takes notice of the tears welling up in the other's eyes,He doesn't know why the other was crying.
He had always known john to not really cry about anything,the only time he had seen him cry before now was over his dad's mangled torn body by...He just shakes his head and asks,"What's wrong?"

Once the game loads,Terezi begins a strategy.Putting it into place was the easy part,'SHOOT 3V3RYTH1NG 1N S1GHT'.

Rhett smirks slightly,"Peace of cake.Crocker cake to be exact."He picks the other up with little to no effort,before starting to ascend the stairs.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 1:08 am

John shook his head.
"Y-You're-" He tried to choke out, then quickly wiped his tears away.
This was only a dream, he needed to calm down. But once he woke up, he would be sure to go right downstairs and hug his Karkat until he couldn't hug anymore.
"Whats going on...?" He asked, unsure himself.

'seems legit enough.' Dave typed, trying to get use to some controls.

Casey allowed Rhett to pick her up, usually she would act as if she didn't like it, although staying close to the ground would be great. But she just stayed still, too tired to really care anyway.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 1:20 am

Karkat thinks for a moment,"Well I'm just gonna assume here that you've never encountered someone in a dream bubble before,So Basically you or your dreamself is dead and you had the misfortune of wandering into the same one as me.And Since I'm assuming stuff at the moment,I'm pretty sure you're not the john from my timeline seeing as you're...much taller than me?"

Terezi grins,waiting for dave to get the controls down before taking off and starting to kill the zombies.

Rhett soon finishes ascending the stairs,and glances down the hallway.He soon opens a door,walks inside,and puts casey gently down on the bed."Night,Casey."He says.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 10:26 am

John nodded.
"It's just weird... I guess because this is only happening about... almost 5 years after the game actually ended." He squeaked.
The boy looked down and shook his head as he remembered what occurred during the game.

Following Terezi, Dave managed to kill zombies easily, he never played this game before but it seemed cool enough.

Casey wasn't sure if she fell asleep or not, but when she opened her eyes she was on the bed. Hearing Rhett's voice caused her to look up at him and smile.
"Thank you, Rhett." She said "Goodnight."
She then turned on her side, facing away from him, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 1:22 pm

"..Huh..5 years..Well I guess..Congrats on winning your session?"Karkat said,looking away.He has no idea of what to think,This..is sorta strange to him......Karkat had always been curious on how egderp ended up.

Terezi continued to lead,holding back her gasps,as zombies popped out of no where.Jumpscares are the best.

Rhett nodded,before leaving the room,closing the door softly behind him.He then descended the stairs.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 2:36 pm

"Thanks..." John murmured back.
He then thought for a minute, maybe he was a bit curious.
"...So, uh... If you don't mind me asking," He started, a bit hesitant "How did you die?"

Dave did his best not to make any noise, although nobody could hear him or see him. But, he had to keep his cool no matter what.
God how he disliked jumpscares, not that he'd ever admit it.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 2:43 pm

Karkat thinks for a moment before retorting,"Got shown some stabs. They touched me! Deeply."Seeing the look on john's face after he says that,Karkat then answers seriously,"I got cut down by jack just for the sake of vriska serket's hero complex...."

Terezi makes the camera check down the next hallway,seeing a couple of zombies standing there waiting.She raises a eyebrow,and makes sure to be careful when rounding the hallway.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 9:49 pm

So thats what Karkat must have been neglecting to tell John.
The boy just couldn't stop staring in disbelief. He wasn't angry, for the most part, just plain upset.
"...Oh." He said, looking down "That explains why the Karkat in my timeline hasn't told me about it..."
He started to chew on his bottom lip thoughtfully. Okay, maybe add in a small punch with that hug.

Dave, following Terezi since she happens to know what the hell shes doing, is going at it slow and steady. He would hate to be the first killed. That would just be so uncool.
All the while, he's setting up a microphone in order to actually communicate with the girl.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 11:00 pm

"I'm betting he hasn't told you about the 'In cahoots with jack'thing either."Karkat said,not meeting the other's eyes.He personally doesn't want to see the other's reaction to it..Considering how the jack he dealt with had killed his dad.

Terezi's mic is already set up,She continues to play,her eyes focused on making sure dave's character didn't get killed.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 11:06 pm

Okay, wow. That one hurt a bit.
John in a way understood why his Karkat didn't want to say anything about Jack or what had happened between them, but he just wanted to know these things. He hated being left in the dark and finding it out later on, even though it is still Karkat, only dead and not the one he's with.
"No. He didn't." He said, his mood changing from sad to just a bit angry.
Okay, two punches and a hug. A small hug. Maybe that one arm hug.

After getting it set up, Dave grabbed a pair of earphones and put them over his ears.
"You can hear me, right?" He asked.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 20, 2012 11:33 pm

"Then As I suspect,Even If I survived,I'd be stupid enough to not tell you that."Karkat says,face-palming.Wow,That's just great karkat,He thinks,You still manage to f*ck shit up even when you're dead.

terezi grins,hearing the cool kid's voice."Yep Loud and Clear."

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 20, 2012 11:51 pm

John crossed his arms over his chest and huffed.
"Doesn't even matter, I never get told anything anyway." He grumbled under his breath.
He started to wonder what really would have happened if that Karkat survived. Maybe in another timeline everything would be different. He was stupid to let his thoughts wander off to that, but it was quite interesting to think about.

"Oh, okay, cool." Dave said, smirking "So if the whole point of this to shoot the f*ck out of these weird... zombie... things and hope to make it out alive?"

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 21, 2012 12:04 am

"Oh stop complaining,Egbert."Karkat says,poking the other's shoulder.A grin comes onto his face,"You're just butthurt and You'll get used to eventually...If you really want to know anything,I'd ask jade.I tended to speak to her a lot and I think your karkat does too"

Terezi chuckles and says,"Pretty Much.I think there's a story line to it but I haven't finished single player yet since it's roxy's game." Dirk blinks,and says"tell dave i say hi." "Also Your brother says hi."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 11 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 21, 2012 12:09 am

"Funny how you assume he would tell Jade about these things yet he won't tell his own-" John started, but quickly stopped himself. "...Friend."
He then sighed and relaxed a bit.
"I only complain because I hate finding out about things last minute, okay?"

"Wow, he actually went there? I thought he was kidding." Dave said, actually surprised "As for the story line, I still think it's just a way to f*ck shit up."

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