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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu May 10, 2012 7:51 pm

John lets out a sigh at the feeling of his hair being played with. The movie started and a small smile was on his face.

"Er, Good. I guess. And how are you?" Casey asked, leaning against a counter.
She felt bad, knowing they were doing something. She examined Rhett for a minute before quickly looking back at Jade.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu May 10, 2012 7:59 pm

Karkat continues to play with john's hair for a while before withdrawing his hands,and starting to watch the movie.

"That's great!"Jade remarks,and then says,"Pretty good Myself..Hey do you like nutella?"Rhett steals a glance at casey before setting the timer for when the cake will be done.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu May 10, 2012 8:06 pm

John started to pout a bit from Karkat stopping. But he just stayed still and continued to watch the movie in silence, taken over by the one and only Nic Cage.

"Nutella? Of course!" Casey said enthusiastically. "Mom never buys it though, claims I eat it like candy... Just because he caught me with a spoon full of it once... or twice..."
She shook her head at the memory, being lectured by John as she just ignored him and continued to lick the spoon, that is until it was taken away from her.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu May 10, 2012 8:17 pm

Karkat notices john's expression,staring at the screen like in a trance.This is the exact reason he will never show him troll nic cage.

Rhett blinks at this,"Woah..That's just harsh."He walks off,and comes back with a container of nutella,"Well Jade and I are going to use nutella for icing on the cake we just put in the oven."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu May 10, 2012 8:29 pm

John wanted nothing more then to actually meet Nic Cage, to talk to him, to hug him. He then let out another sigh, making it sound like he was swooning and stared at that glorious face of his.

Casey nodded and laughed softly.
"Harsh, but it's kind of understandable. I was addicted to it." She sighed, then perked up immediately "You are? Oh good!"

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu May 10, 2012 8:48 pm

Karkat just watches the movie,with no real interest in it.He was trying to figure out the plot of the whole thing.

Jade grins,"It's going to be deeeliciooooouuus."Rhett nods,before hearing vriska and meenah rage at call of duty."Those two..are just.."Rhett facepalms.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu May 10, 2012 8:54 pm

John moves a bit, curling a bit more into a ball. He could quote every line in this movie and it would never get old. He quoted it mentally, like the dork he is.

Casey laughed and runs a hand through her hair.
"They're just... having fun." Casey sighs "Man, it kind of sounds like my Dad having one of his fits... Except more high pitched."


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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu May 10, 2012 10:25 pm

Karkat,not noticing what he's doing,starts to play with john's hair again.

"Yeah but.."rhett lets out a laugh,"I think meenah is more aggressive than your dad..or at least i think so.."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 11, 2012 9:06 pm

John jumped suddenly, feeling the hands work through his hair. He knew if he could, he would purr. But instead he settled for his eyes to actually close and focus more on the feeling of his hair being played with.

Casey shrugged "Maybe she is. I mean, it sure sounds like she is." She said, laughing softly.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri May 11, 2012 9:21 pm

Karkat thinks while he plays with john's hair,Soon they'll be married and off onto their honeymoon.He was still getting used to the idea,even though he had been the one who had proposed in the first place.Sure They argued with each other,but everything turned out okay in the end.

"DIE ZOMBIEEEEE B*TCHES!!!"It's obvious that was vriska,Rhett blinks when he hears the timer goes off and takes the cake out of the oven.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 11, 2012 10:03 pm

Not even focusing on the movie at all anymore, turned his head slightly so he can glimpse at Karkat's face. Seeing him so deep into thought made him curious, which is when he started to speak up.
"Something on your mind?" He asked softly.

Casey slaps her hand over her face before walking out to glance at the game. She smirked at it and leaned in the doorway, staying silent.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri May 11, 2012 10:05 pm

"Not Really.Just...Nostalgia ,I guess?"Karkat murmurs with a shrug,He gives john a reassuring smile before going back to being deep in thought.

Vriska's shooting zombies on the tv screen,she sees casey and gives her a innocent smile,"You wanta play casey?"

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 11, 2012 10:28 pm

John's face contorts into confusion then back to normal. He slowly nods and looks off to the side.
"Oh, Okay." He said, glumly, finally turning his head back towards the television slowly.
He knew there was something Karkat wasn't mentioning, he wasn't stupid. But he didn't question it any further.

The smirk on Casey's face widened.
"Oh f*ck yeah." She said, walking over towards then and taking the controller from Vriska. She then began playing, skillfully shooting as the zombies came into view.
"DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" She said just after a few minutes of playing.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri May 11, 2012 10:48 pm

Karkat withdraws his hands from john's hair,and turns back to the movie,which is almost done.He just glances down at his pda,and messages gamzee,using the troll language text to do so.He thinks he screwed up again but he'd rather not let the egderp figure out what he's thinking about.
'Hey Gamzee You There?' 'YeAh bEsT FrIeNd wHaT Do yOu nEeD'karkat types out a huge explanation on this,making sure it was in a different language.

Vriska watches ,a look of amazement on her face.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 11, 2012 10:55 pm

Keeping his blue eyes fixed on the screen, John could always count on Nic Cage to make him feel better. To take his thoughts off of his curiosity at least.

Casey stayed focused, licking her bottom lip occasionally and shouting random curses towards the screen. Her tongue was sticking out, since it was caught between her teeth as she killed off the zombies.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri May 11, 2012 11:26 pm

Karkat continues to text gamzee, the two now having a conversation in alternian. He glances up as the credits start to roll.

Vriska watches as casey continues to pick off the zombies in the game.She sniffs the air,smelling pizza from the kitchen along with the nutella cake."Mmmm..Nutella."She murmurs,getting up and walking into the kitchen.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 11, 2012 11:31 pm

John, noticing the credits sat up and reached for the remote. He turned off the DVD player along with the TV and stood up, taking the blanket with him as he started to head to his room.

Casey, finishing the last group of zombies before the next round of them showed up and quickly paused the game. She looked off into the direction of the kitchen, sighed and stood up, heading in that direction.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri May 11, 2012 11:47 pm

Karkat just watches john for a second,before starting to reply to gamzee,humming a little tune that oddly sounded like 'how do i live'.

Vriska glances at the cake,"It's triple layer"She says,almost squealing as she goes and gets a piece.She gets a fork and takes a huge bite out of it,licking her lips after the first bite.It's delicious.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri May 11, 2012 11:55 pm

Stopping dead in his tracks, John listened to the oddly familiar tune. He turned his head to look back at Karkat and stayed like that for a while.

Casey leaned against the wall and looked at Vriska who seemed to be enjoying the cake. A smirk on her face as she laughed softly, shaking her head as well.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 12, 2012 12:10 am

Karkat hummed that for a minute or so,before singing under his breathe unaware that anyone was watching,'Love all the people that have warned you Loathe all your sentimental value Eight balls with the takers that'll make you Lay cards with a lover that'll hate you And you don't have to make a sound Cause I got what you need, what you need 'He stopped humming abruptly,seeing that he got a reply.

"It's delicoooooooous.Casey you should have a slice."vriska says,before taking another bite.In less than a minute,vriska's piece of cake was gone.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 12, 2012 12:15 am

John stood there amazed and all wide eyed. Karkat could sing and he had no idea. Before knew it, he was leaning over the back of the couch, grabbing Karkat's face inbetween his hands and forcing him to look back at him.
"You can sing?!" He asked.

"No, it's fine." Casey sighed "I'm not exactly hungry at the moment, maybe later."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 12, 2012 12:22 am

Karkat blinked ,A look of shock coming onto his face as He stuttered,"Y-You heard?!"A red flush comes onto his face,He was sorta embarrassed about this.Karkat soon calms down ,the blush going away.

"Okay..."Vriska just puts her plate in the sink,"Wanta go bother the blondies?"

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 12, 2012 12:24 am

"Well, yeah. I wasn't walking all that fast, Karkat!" John exclaimed "I can't believe you can sing!!"
A wide smile was on the boys face as he looked down at his fiance.

Casey tilted her head then nodded.
"Uh, sure, why not!" She said.

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat May 12, 2012 12:34 am

Karkat rolls his eyes,and just gives john a smirk."Egderp,That song isn't even one of my good ones.Why are you so impressed?"He then leans up and kisses john's cheek.

Vriska walks over to the kitchen,and takes a seat next to the blonde girl who sorta resembles rose.She's making a joke about eridan,"Okay You wnta kno whut the difference is between eridan and a onion?You cry when a onion is cut in half."

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Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;] - Page 7 Empty Re: Yeeeaaah Humaaaaaaaan Bitches :::;]

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat May 12, 2012 12:44 am

John ended up pouting as a tint of pink crossed his face.
"I just never heard you sing..." He said softly.

Casey followed Vriska, ending up taking a seat directly across from Vriska. She wanted to laugh at the joke, but she would feel awkward since she wasnt in the conversation in the first place.

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