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A very johnkat wedding

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A very johnkat wedding Empty A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 29, 2012 10:03 pm

It was a very luminous night at the lake,Kanaya had planned everything to a t.A wedding at the park at night,when the lantern festival going on.Lanterns were floating in the sky and on the lake's surface.

Karkat vantas was already ready,while kanaya was combing through his hair for the 6th time.He let her do it,since she was stressing on how this was going to turn out and he couldn't help but to agree with her.He couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong.

Ash had struck up a conversation with rose lalonde,there were only a few people here right now but ash was expecting tyler to show up anytime soon.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 29, 2012 10:16 pm

Casey Vantas focused on mostly getting her Mother reading for his big day. With only so little time left, she was laying around with his hair in order to get it to stick out in just the right places.
It was unbelievable how good John actually looked in a dress, despite being a male. It made Casey laugh sometimes.
John started to bat her hands away from his face, taking her wrists and sighing.
"Casey, that's enough. I look fine." He sighed "You make so much of a fuss about this."
The girl stepped back and sighed.
"I just want Dad to look at you and think you're beautiful." She teased.
John rolled his eyes, having Casey place the veil on top of his head and over his face.

Tyler shuffled nervously as he arrived to where the wedding was going to take place.
Meeting the family was a big step and he was sure he was ready. But nerves ended up getting to him.
He took in a big breath and started to look for Ash anxiously.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 29, 2012 10:28 pm

"Kanaya,Stop fussing!"Karkat said to the female troll.
Kanaya rolls her eyes and continues to fuss,brushing his hair again and again for the next few minutes.
"Happy?'Karkat grumbled,his eyes narrowing a bit.
"Nope."Kanaya smirks,before going to brush off the outfit and mess with it to make sure everything looked the best.
"You are so compulsive-obessive,Fussyfangs"Vriska said,walking into the room.She glances at karkat,"You look nice,Karcrab But I'm afraid i need to steal kanaya away from you for a moment.She needs to go check on the food."
"Alright..."Karkat mumurs.
Kanaya then walks off with vriska.

Ash remarks,"So that's what happens during the last books?""Yep."Ash then spotted tyler,and waved to him.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue May 29, 2012 10:36 pm

Casey walked past John fixing her dress and finally putting on her high heels. She had never felt more uncomfortable in her life, but she guess she could deal. Glancing back over her shoulder, she noticed her Mom looking off to the side, a bit dazed and chewing on his bottom lip. She knew it was a nervous habit but he should be excited.
"...I'm going to go find your maid of honor real quick..." Casey said, walking off.
John stood there in silence, then looking at the ground.

Tyler spotted Ash, well of course he did, it was nearly impossibly to miss him. A small smile cracked on his face as he hurried over there without hesitating to turn back.
"Man, this whole thing is so nice..." Tyler stated, looking around.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue May 29, 2012 10:54 pm

Vriska glances,heading into the kitchen."Did you bring the dvds?You said you would wrap them,Fussyfangs..."She says,worriedly.Kanaya lets out a sigh,"Of course i did.."She takes the wrapped product out of her sylladex and gives it to the other."I'm sure john will enjoy them."
"He better..It's nic cage..well it's troll nic cage but still...."

Rose glances up and gives the boy a slight smile.So this is ash's boyfriend,Ash grins at him,"Well Dad's friend certainly put a lot of work into this."He then realizes rose is still here,"Oh Um Tyler Meet Rose,She's one of mum's friends.."

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 12:03 pm

John stared at himself in full length mirror that was in front of him. Looking up and down and taking it all in. He then stepped back, and quickly looked for a paper and pen.
Once it was finally found, he jotted down a small note before placing it in plain sight. Then, he turned towards around and ran off.

Casey was calm for the most part, although ever since getting up in the morning and first seeing John, she was sensing something was wrong.
She shook her head and started to head towards the kitchen, briefly seeing Vriska head in there as well.

Tyler nodded then gazed at Rose. A smile placed on his face as he held out his hand to her.
"It's nice to meet you!" He said happily.

Last edited by KitsuneKannibal on Wed May 30, 2012 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Starting the freak out because I can. BWAHAHAHA.)

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 4:10 pm

"He's been seeming a bit on edge lately.Some Nic Cage would do him some good."Vriska murmurs worriedly.She puts her gift into her sylladex,before unruffling her dress."Even Aranea thinks so and She doesn't even know him."
Kanaya lets out a sigh,"I sorta have to agree."She doesn't know John that well but knows enough from karkat to tell when something is wrong. She thinks for a moment,"I don't even think karkat knows."

Karkat just gets out his romance book from his sylladex and starts reading.

Rose blinks and shakes his hand,"Likewise."She looks around,spotting roxy."Excuse me but I have to go check on My sister."she then leaves.Ash glances around,before asking"wanta meet my mom?"

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 7:55 pm

Casey quickly rushes into the kitchen, poking Vriska's arm in order to get her attention.
"Vriska, Mom doesn't seem to be acting right and if anyone can get anything out of him it's you." Casey said "So please come with me so we can sort this out?"
She sounded desperate, but right now it didn't really matter.

Tyler straightened up and immediately nodded.
"Yeah! I'd love to!"

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 8:00 pm

Vriska nods,"Sure..I was headed there anyways after i got done talking to-"Kanaya already left to go fuss with karkat's hair again."Nevermind,Let's go."Vriska said,striding out of the kitchen with casey.

Ash grins,and starts to lead the way to his mom's dressing,holding tyler's hand as he does so.Only to find when they arrived,that john was gone and there was a note in plain site.Ash picks up the note.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 8:20 pm

Casey quickly turned, taking Vriska's wrist and rushing back to John's dressing room.
Once she got there, she blinked and noticed her Mom was missing and that Ash had a note in his hand.
She walked over, letting go of Vriska's wrist and taking the note from her brother.
"I'm sorry." She read, tilting her head to the side before looking up and crushing the note in her hand.

Tyler stands back, watching as Casey and someone who was unknown walked in.
Hearing what was written on the note and how Casey crushed the note, he figured this wasn't good at all.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 8:34 pm

Vriska just blinked,and glanced at casey and then at ash."Ash You go tell your dad.Casey and I'll go find your mom,Don't let your dad leave.Knowing him,He's either going to start ranting or try to leave."She then walks out of the room,dragging casey along with her."Okay so where should we start looking?"

"....."Ash is speechless for a moment,"...And this is why i held off so long on you meeting my mom and dad.Stuff like this happens pretty often."He remarks to tyler.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 8:54 pm

Casey allowed herself to be dragged out, but stopped walking in order to get a look around.
"I don't know.." Casey said, then pointed in a random direction "Let's go that way... But we have to hurry and get him back before the ceremony, and I need enough time to kick his ass."

Tyler nodded.
"I understand that now..." He sighed "C'mon, let's go tell your Dad..."

John didn't know exactly what he was doing. One minute he was getting ready for his wedding and the next he was walking alongside the river nearby and thinking everything over.
He gathered up the ends of his gown so they wouldn't touch the floor and continued walking, scared and alone.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 9:03 pm

"With My luck,We'll probably find him soon.I have aaaaaaaall the luck."Vriska said,starting to walk in the direction casey pointed.She really hoped this was the case right now,Her luck tended to leave her at the times she needed it most.

Ash nods,before holding tyler's hand and walking to karkat's room."Well Let's just hope he doesn't rant...When he rants..."Ash laughs,"He tends to get very carried away."

Karkat blinks when ash walks into the room with tyler,Ash lets go of tyler's hand and goes to hug his dad,"Daaaddyyyyyy~I have something to tell you." "..You didn't knock anybody up.did you?""No."

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 9:17 pm

Casey started walking, but stopped at one point to take off her shoes and she started to dart forward.
It was a bad sign that her own heart beat was beating really fast. She didn't want anyone to back down from this and she sure was mad at the fact her Mom would run away so easily.
She stopped and looked around desperately, letting out a strangled whimper, unable to find John.

Tyler stands back a bit, looking at Ash's Dad. He was confused by how young he looked, although he now knows where Ash got his looks from.

John stops walking and looks off across the lake, seeing the moon shine against it. He looked down at the ground once again and debated on going back.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 9:34 pm

Vriska blinks,and runs after casey.Man she hated running with high heels but for john's sake she would.She glances around when casey stops,"There."She points in the direction john is,"We should check in that direction..."

Ash said,"Mommy...might or might not left.."He then backs away from his father.

"....I'm going to go find kanaya.."Karkat says,muttering under his breathe about how stupid he was for proposing,about how someone had been right about this relationship being doomed to fail.He then walks out of the room,and past ash and tyler.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 9:46 pm

Casey looked over in that direction before sprinting on over there.
She didn't care about anything else but finding her Mom and getting this whole thing going.
After a bit of running, she stops and squints her eyes seeing John in the distance.
"...Mom?" She asked breathlessly before looking back at Vriska.

Tyler watches Karkat leave and slowly walks up to Ash. He took his hand and gave it a small squeeze.
He wasn't even involved in this and he was upset.

John raised his hand to press it against his stomach, rubbing it softly as he remained quiet.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 9:53 pm

Vriska walks over to john,quietly and pokes his shoulder from behind."You gave ash&casey a heart attack,Egbert."She tilts her head,"So..What's-"..She notices that his hand is rubbing his stomach softly,and she blinks.Now she didn't know much about human pregnancy but she knew enough from kanaya's experience with rose to know he was pregnant.

Ash is quiet for a moment,before hugging tyler softly.After a couple of seconds,he lets go.

Karkat glances around,spotting the head of black hair he was looking for and dashes forward."Kanaaayaaa."He says.Kanaya takes a moment to look at karkat,and pulls the other into a tight hug."Let's go to the green room,and then we can talk.Okay?We'll have a feelings jam,Sweet heart."

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 10:03 pm

John stared at Vriska with wide eyes, quickly removing his hand.
Why did she stop talking?
Was he busted?
No, there's no way she could know.
"S-Sorry." He finally said "I wanted to go for a walk..."
Casey blinked and walked up to the two of them. She stayed silent but was confused as to why Vriska stopped talking.

Tyler steps back and rubs Ash's back.
"What now?" He asked.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 10:16 pm

Vriska narrows her eyes,slightly."You're pregnant again.Aren't you?'She says.She doesn't hear any objections yet.

Kanaya leads karkat to the green room,and karkat sits on the couch,before picking up a pillow and hitting his head with it."I feel like such a idiot,Eridan was right,We were never going to make it.With the way we argue,and now-"Kanaya walks over to him and shushes him before papping him,"Karkat calm down..what happened?""He left."

Ash shrugs,"I don't know..we could talk to some people?"

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 10:22 pm

John remains silent, looking off to the side.
Casey gasps.
"You are, aren't you?!" She asks.
John slowly looks back towards them and nods. Casey only remains silent and takes out her PDA, going to send Ash a quick message.
"Please, just don't... say anything." The boy pleaded "I didn't want anyone to find out like this- I was going to say something, I swear I was."

'We found Mom.' Was all Casey sent to her brother.

Tyler nodded.
"Then let's go do that..." He sighed.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 10:39 pm

Vriska rolls her eyes,"Don't worry.We won't say a thing,Nubbyhorns can find out on his own."She then pulls out her silvery-wrapped gift(troll nic cageeeeeeee) from her sylladex and gives it to john,"Well at least you'll have some entertainment for the baby."She's already accepted the idea and then asks,"Do you want a baby boy or another girl?"

A shocked look comes across kanaya's face,and she pulls karkat into a hug."Oh my-I'm sorry,Hun."Karkat hugs back.

Ash walks out of the room with tyler,and glances at where guests are arriving.He quickly walks over to a girl and takes her over to tyler,"Tyler Meet jade~"Jade blinks and gives him a happy smile,"Pleased to meet you!I'm ash's aunt!"

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Wed May 30, 2012 10:47 pm

John takes the present and looks at it for a moment.
"I kind of want another boy..." John said "But I'll take what I get... I just hope Karkat doesn't freak when he finds out..."
Casey shuffled uneasily.
"I hope you know Ash told Dad you went missing and if probably just about ready to call off the wedding, right?" Casey remarked.
John felt extremely guilty and looked down.
"God, I did manage to f*ck up..." He muttered.

Tyler smiles and holds out his hand to her like he did to Rose.
"Ah! It's a pleasure to meet you."

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Wed May 30, 2012 10:59 pm

Vriska takes her phone out of her sylladex,"Give me a minute please."She murmurs,typing in the number."Kanaya~?Is karcrab there still?'Vriska mutters into the phone,"he is?But he's freaking out....Oh great.On a scale of 1-10-...7..."Vriska lets out a sigh,"We'll be right there."She then hangs up,and says"..Yep.He's lost it.He's thinking that he's going to end up like eridan and apparently now meaning shit has hit the whirling device."

Kanaya puts her phone away,"Karkat..." "Y-yes?""...John's coming back so..Stop being so emotional..."

Jade shakes her head,a apologetic smile coming onto her face,"I have a bit of a head cold and i'd hate to get you sick"is her explanation,"You and Ash Look adorable together~"a tiny flush appears on ash's face,"Thanks.."

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu May 31, 2012 2:57 pm

"Man... I feel horrible now..." John muttered, looking down.
Casey put her hand on her Mother's shoulder in a way to comfort him.
"At least he didn't try to kill himself, although I'm pretty sure ending up like Eridan is just as bad..." She then looked at Vriska "How long until the ceremony starts?"

Tyler could feel his face heat up, his hand now back at his side as he lets out a small laugh and a sweet smile.
"Thank you." He says in response.

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A very johnkat wedding Empty Re: A very johnkat wedding

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu May 31, 2012 4:39 pm

"25 mintues, just be glad he didn't start ranting..because He would keep at it for an hour at most..."Vriska Mumurs,remembering how karkat had ranted a couple of weeks ago."well let's go.."

"you sure?"Karkat asked,letting go of his moirail."Yes.I am."

"No problem " Jade said happily.She smiles,"Well I'm going to go see the groom and congratulate him."She then walked off.

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