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The kidnapping.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:16 pm

A loud squeak emerged from Casey's mouth as she quickly prevented herself from laughing. Although she knew this would probably drive her mother insane on the inside, she couldn't help but find this funny. Casey made a few steps forward to look at her Dads face before laughing harder then she had ever before, bending forward and holding her stomach.

John's eyes were wide as he looked over towards Karkat. A bit of jealously was the only thing he felt before it quickly subsided, or so he had thought. He glanced down at the man pillow in his arm and quickly hugged it again, then looked back at Karkat and wondered if he was alright. Letting out a huff, he turned his head and looked around, wondering how long they had been standing there just so he could distract himself.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:33 pm

Karkat just looked away,a stubborn look on his face.He muttered under his breath,"Did she really have to bring up those nicknames?"Ash laughed and said,"BeepBeepMeow..Really dad?"Karkat scowls,and said"She does actually have worse nicknames than that..." Ash mutters something to casey,"Looks like they aren't gonna be playing twister any time soon"

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:39 pm

"So we actually get to sleep all night for once?" She whispered back to her brother. Casey then stood up straight and looked back at her parents. "Can we get moving? I have some blood to wash off my entire body, thank you very much." She stated "You can finish your little awkward moment at home."

John turned his head to narrow his eyes at his daughter before letting out a huff as he walked a few feet in front of Karkat and turned back to look at his family for a brief moment before turning his head again to look somewhere else.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:03 pm

"Yeah"Karkat said,"I was just making sure vriska would make it home alright..without getting in trouble..least she won't get into too much trouble with terezi"He just glances at his pda before typing the code in,they were then teleported to john's house. Ash remarked,"You guys can finish your little awkward moment or ...Argument right now"He then walked upstairs.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:12 pm

Casey let out a sigh and made her way up the stairs behind her brother. "Just don't argue for too long..." She said down to her parents "I need to take a nap..." She yawned and quickly reached the top of the stairs, walking into the bathroom to wash off the blood. The only thing she screamed after lifting up her dress was "Holy f*ck!" which then followed by a thud, notifying everyone she either slipped or finally passed out.

"There won't be any arguing." John finally muttered, going to sit on the couch, holding the pillow close against his chest again as he stared at the blank TV screen.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:55 pm

Karkat just tilts his head at the sound of his daughter slipping or passing out."Ash!Go check on casey!"He shouted,before glancing at john,".......Are you...jealous ?"He asks,finally."You do..realize..her and i never even had a matespritship....."

Ash could just sense a argument coming on,and walked out of his room.He looked inside of the bathroom,to check on his sister.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:05 am

Casey laid on the floor, passed out from seeing her wound in the mirror.

John turned his head and stubbornly looking outside. "I'm not jealous." He finally said "I don't care."
In his brain, he was basically screaming at himself for saying such lies. It was pointless.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:17 am

"Holy..sh*t"Ash picked his sister up before cleaning the blood off of her using a clean washrag,He put a night gown over her then walked out of the bathroom,and walked into their bedroom.He places her on the bed,and covers her with a blanket,She needs her rest and that's clear.

Karkat just said,"Alright then."He just sits in his chair,and leans back.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:34 am

After a few moments of silence, John started to squirm. It was just plain awkward, and he hated that. "...Okay..." He finally said quietly "Maybe I was.. a little jealous..." He kept looking out the window, pouting and hugging the pillow tightly. He felt his face heat up but hoped he was looking away enough so Karkat couldn't see his face.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:21 pm

Karkat just scowls and said,"Well there's no reason for you to be jealous.You do realize i picked you over her ?And i'd still do that every time."He then picks up a pillow on his chair,and buries his head in it."I swear you worry too much sometimes john"He says,his voice muffled by the pillow.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:29 pm

John turned his head slightly to look over Karkat, feeling guilty, he turned back. "I know... I'm sorry." He muttered softly, looking down "It's just- I don't know... Knowing what you two had in the past and then seeing her... It just made me panic a bit." He then sighed and stood up, leaving the pillow on the couch and walking slowly past the troll.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:17 am

Karkat glances at him,lifting his head from the pillow he had buried his head in.He gets up from his chair,and watches john walking away for a moment,before walking quickly to the other,hugging him from behind.Not letting him move another inch.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:26 am

Jumping and tensing up, John turned his head in order to try and get a glimpse of the troll behind him. He couldn't move, thus leaving his plan to go up to his room and lay there until he fell asleep unable to be completed. "...Karkat?" He asked, wondering if the other was alright.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:32 am

"Honestly,Egbert..You're...A f*cking idiot..And I mean that in a good way"Karkat mutters,before letting john go."Well good night,John.Have good dreams i guess"He walks back over to his chair,and sits down,pulling out a crappy romance novel from his sylladex.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:47 am

Missing the warmth, the boy only looked back with a slight sad look playing on his face. He took notice of the weird romance novel in the trolls hands and rolled his eyes. "Anything to read your novels in peace, huh?" John asked, then turning back and letting out a sigh "Whatever... Night." He knew he was giving off a little bit of attitude, but he was probably just cranky from being tired. So he let out a huff and walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:02 am

Karkat just scowled,and muttered something in alternian,letting out a huff.He starts to read his book,choosing to do that instead of going after john.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:12 am

John still continued to walk up the stairs and into his room, closing the door softly behind him. He changed quickly back into his pyjamas simply for comfort and crawled over the bed, sitting at his spot and pulling his knees up towards his chest. He hugged them and looked out the window, examining the moon before thinking everything that had happened in his life.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:30 am

Karkat takes his husktop out of his sylladex.He turns it on and goes onto his trollian account.Out of Nostalgia,He opens one of his old memos.
Karkat watches as a message pops up on the memo:
FUTURE carcinoGeneticist [FCG] 1 DAY FROM NOW responded to memo.
Karkat just facepalms.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:37 am

Letting out a soft sigh, John got off of the bed and opened the door. He walked back downstairs slowly and looked at the couch as to where he had left the beloved manpillow. He had gotten to use to cuddling up to something or someone, he needed it in order to fall asleep. He finally reached the pillow and snatched it up. His blue eyes darted in the corner of his eyes, noticing Karkat before standing up straight and walking past him again.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:53 am

Karkat just lets out a tiny growl at the computer,now arguing with his future self.He notices john,and bites down on his lip hard to not let out the stream of profanities he was going to shout at his Husktop. But He fails,and starts mumbling under his breath at his computer as he types furiously,almost practically banging the keys of his keyboard.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:59 am

John hugged the pillow closer to his chest as he rolled his eyes again. "Weirdo." He muttered softly, walking up the steps again and walking back into his room. He shut the door and laid on the bed, happily snuggling up to the manpillow as he let out another sigh.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:12 am

Karkat just rolled his eyes at the 'weirdo' remark. He has never even spoken of the conversations he has with his future self with john,So This is perfectly normal to karkat. He blocks his future self from responding,and checks to see who's on his trollian at the moment.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:42 pm

John closed his eyes, pulled the blanket on top of his body and he set his glasses over on the side table. He looked out the window once more, finding it nice how the moonlight leaked in through the slightly closed curtains and he closed his eyes. Knowing fully that some more nightmares will probably consume him.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:37 pm

Karkat just clicks on kanaya's trollian account on his contacts,and sends her a message.Asking her advice.Man,He was pathetic..Asking a Rainbow drinker for advice...But Yet,She was one of his two moirails,The other being gamzee but he was busy.

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The kidnapping. - Page 3 Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:06 pm

John couldn't recall what was going on. Although he knew he was asleep, he couldn't help but feel like the nightmare was actually happening. They usually consisted of Jack and basically flashbacks to his childhood and what had occurred during the game. His body tensed and started to tremble as the taunting and laughter filled his head, making him start to whimper both inside and outside of the dream. These were the reasons he hated sleeping. His sleeping body tightened its grip on the pillow while his dream self did nothing but cower and whimper at the sights playing before him.

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