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The kidnapping.

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The kidnapping. Empty The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:29 pm

Casey didn't know how it happened. One night, she left her house to visit everyone with her brother and before she knew it she couldn't remember the rest. She just remembered everything going dark and feeling someone grab her from behind. Although, she knew where ever she was, she wasn't at home. She was on a cold metal floor, opening her eyes to a single light come from an open computer screen. She then opened them fully and let them adjust. Then, she had realized she was in a cage like some kind of zoo animal. In attempts to sit up, her hands were tied behind her back, her ankles were tied as well. A slight pain rung through her head as she laid back down and remained silent, trying to grasp as to what was going on.

John remained in his room. He sat up in his bed and stared at the light streaming through the window. This, was when he started to panic. He knew his kids had left last night and expected them to be back around midnight. Thats when the time kept going forward and they weren't back. He tried to reassure himself that maybe they snuck in that morning, so before he rushed upstairs to check but noticed their beds still un made. Now, he was losing his mind, scenes of death, anything that would freak him out. He was shaking, he knew that, but he wasn't able to hide it.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:38 pm

Ash's eyes scanned the area,a bruise still forming on his cheek as he tried to rip the rope around his wrists .To No Avail,It was pretty strong rope as blood started to drip from the rope burns he had gotten. He glances at his sister,and then at the metal floor."Where are we?"He murmurs to her,a uneasy feeling settling in on his stomach.He resists the urge to panic,the cage is too small for him as well as the room.It just adds to the feeling of unease he has,and makes him want to vomit or scream.He spots a big glass window,with computers in the room that you can see through it...Is this A science lab?..

Karkat's head lies in one of john's pillow,pressed into them.He's still asleep,not yet woken up by the other boy.He mutters something in his sleep,the only words that john can understand are 'Stupid' And 'Bucket'. He Has Been asleep for a while or else he would be panicking like john.His Dreams turn more gruesome,not a word escaping him now.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:54 pm

Casey made an attempt to turn her head to look at her brother. Grunting in pain as she did so. "I... don't know." She said, making another attempt to sit up. A yelp of pain and she fell back down. Her eyes now fully adjusted and she scanned the area, then herself. Her head twisted as she realized she wasn't wearing the same thing as before. From what it looked like, she was wearing a ripped up, tattered white gown of some sort. Blood stains splattered around a bit, knowing it was hers anyway.

The boys head turned to look at the sleeping troll next to him. He wanted so desperately to wake him up, but he couldn't bring himself to, knowing Karkat probably needed the sleep. He just let his legs fall flat against the mattress as he slid down to lie down under the covers. He just stared at the ceiling, still thinking about everything. He had to wait to talk this over, and he knew that, but it didn't stop him from shedding a tear.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:06 pm

Ash just lets out some kind of pathetic whimper,He can't see the sky and He sees no possible exits he can get to. He Hears A muffled Melodious Laugh from the other room,He tilts his head. The Laugh...Sounds Familiar..Where has he heard it before? His eyes go to his sister before he asks in a disturbed voice,"Did you h-hear that....?" He hears the voice who laughed say something to someone,telling them to not let the demon spawn escape.

Karkat buries his head deeper into the pillow,before his eyes flutter open. He sits up,and glances at the clock..It's After 12 He sees.His eyes go to john,seeing him stare at the ceiling."John,What's wrong?"He asks in a curious tone.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:20 pm

The last attempt, she finally sat up and turned towards her brother, not even bothering to try and moved her hair away from her eyes. "Ash... Please... Calm down." She whispered, attempting to move herself closer towards her brother "It'll be alright... I hope."
She turned her head towards where she heard the laughter and the voice, her eyes narrowing as she bit her bottom lip.

John jumped slightly at Karkat finally speaking. He quickly rubbed his eyes to get rid of the tears and shook his head. "I guess... I'm just worried..." He finally muttered, turning his head to look at the troll "It's been all night and they aren't even back yet... What if something happened?"

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:33 pm

Ash's eyes just shifted the ground,He lets out a sigh. He murmurs quietly,"I hope dad and mom figure out where we are.." His eyes lift up,and stare at the window,waiting to see if anyone will walk by. He shoots a concerned glance at his sister for a moment.."Does that woman's voice sound familiar to you too?"He questions.

Karkat's eyes widened,"Well Let's look for them and just hope they went to vriska's or something and lost track of time." His eyes fill with worry,as he gets out of the bed and goes to the dresser.He picks out one of his shirts and jeans,and quickly gets dressed before glancing at john.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:05 am

"Yeah, it does... And I honestly don't like where this is going..." Casey growled out, waiting for someone to walk in. "I swear to god, if they hurt you... I will f*cking kill someone."
She knew her protective side was showing, but she honestly couldn't care at this moment. She let out a small growl as she bared her teeth towards the door.

John sat up again and only stared at his lap. "Vriska would have told us something... wouldn't she?" he asked, looking back towards Karkat, then moving to get out of bed slowly.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:23 am

"Just as Feisty as your father"The condescension remarks as she walks in,She glances over them."You do realize,"She says in a snarky tone,"This Behavior Will Get You killed,Dear along with your brother."She flips her hair,remarking"And Ash.Stop panicking it makes you look pathetic."She walks out of the room,closing it behind her. Ash's expression right now is unreadable as he just lets out a growl."That.."He mutters a couple of words under his breath,His eyes filled with hatred as he watches her past the window.

Karkat shrugs,and says"Vriska does what she wants, john.Same as Casey,Though I'm surprised ash hasn't contacted us..he's usually back by his curfew"He then pulls out his pda from his sylladex,and checks for any messages.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:30 am

"Stupid f*cking ratty b*tch" Casey muttered under her breath, moving her hands around, trying to break free. "I swear to god, once I get out of here... Augh!" Her scream echoed as she tried to loosen the rope, knowing it was cuting her skin up.

John stood up and grabbed a pair of jeans and a regular shirt, changing quickly and putting his glasses on. "We have no time to waste..." He muttered "They are out somewhere and we don't know where."

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:53 am

Ash just nodded,and glanced at his sister,"Don't pull on the ropes to much,They're like made out of barbed wire."He mutters something about the condescension being a complete total puppys.

Karkat asks,"You think they're on a troll planet or they're on earth?"He thinks john's guess on where they're are will be better than his.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:10 am

"I don't care. I want to get free and thats what I'm going to do!" She huffed, struggling to break free. The burning pain shooting from her wrists, her brain screaming at her to stop, but before she could, one of her hands got out. A small gasp and she held it infront of her. "Well, I'm going to need a little bit of rubbing alcohol later..." She muttered, removing the rope from her other wrist. She then used her hands to move herself towards her brother, in attempts to untie the restraints on his wrists.

"Troll." John said, finally, fixing his shirt "I know for a fact that Ash would have told us if they were here, popped in to let us know where they were going." He turned back towards the window and chewed his bottom lip. "I just have a bad feeling... that something happened to them."

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:37 pm

Ash's eyes went to his jeans pocket,and in a single movement,he broke the rope and his hands went to his pocket and pulled out his pda,He glanced at his sister."Who do you think has the best chances of getting here and helping us?"He asked.

"Probably Surggoia,That's the main planet besides Alternia"Karkat remarks,getting his pda out from his sylladex.He doesn't voice his worry,as he tries to remember the code and starts type it in.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:58 pm

"I don't- Hey! Why the f*ck did you get to keep your clothes?!" Casey growled, glaring at her brothers clothes. Just as she reached over to untie her ankles, a sharp pain pulsed on, or in her stomach. She hissed and clutched at her stomach, trying her best not to whimper. "Fuuuuuuck, what is going on?!" She asked, looking down.

John nodded and walked over towards Karkat, waiting patiently to be teleported to find their kids. His shook ever so slightly, hugging himself in effect as he focused his gaze on his feet.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:08 pm

"How the f*ck am i supposed to know?!"Ash questioned,checking to see who was online on pesterchum."Hurry up,casey.We need to decide before the battery dies."His eyes flicker to the window."Then We'll see why you keep on getting pained.For some reason,I'm not at all."He murmured,concerned filling into his eyes.

Karkat quickly finished typing in the code,and they were teleported to surrgoia.Karkat glared at the sun once they were there,it was the middle of the day there.Thankfully,Most trolls except for jade bloods were asleep at the moment.He glances around,before thinking of where they should start first.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:24 pm

"Anyone, I don't care! Just hurry before that- nn- Crazy b*tch comes back..." Casey panted out, cringing it pain and feeling something warm spread onto her hand, pulling it to look at it, she saw her blood. The crimson liquid staining the white part of the gown she was wearing on her stomach. "...Well shit I'm bleeding..."

John just looked around, nervously lacing his fingers behind his back as he followed Karkat on the alien planet. He stayed silent, knowing his panicking would just make things worse.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:36 pm

Ash just shoots his sister another concerned glance ,before contacting vriska on pesterchum.After that one message,his pda dies.He quickly shoves it back into his pocket.His eyes go to his sister's stomach where she's bleeding,"They've been experimenting on you.."He muttered in a furious tone.

A Familiar Spider puppys Peeks her head out of her hive, Her eyes scanning the area. "VRISKA!"Karkat shouts,seeing her.Her eyes see him,and She walks over to the troll and human,"So ash and casey have been captured i take it?"She asks. "Yeah..But how did-Never mind.I'm not gonna ask."Karkat muttered,with a huff.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:48 pm

"Well, shit." Casey muttered, staring at her own blood on her hand. "I hope they didn't damage anything too much... I like living, actually... And I'm sure Mom and Dad wouldn't be too happy if I died here." She bit the inside of her cheek and took in a big huff, looking up at Ash before scanning the lab again. "Who did you contact?"

"Whoaaa, captured?!" John interjected, finally breaking down from his silent panic. "Who the hell would capture them?! Oh god, what if they died?!" The boy could feel himself start to hyperventilate, but he didn't even care.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:07 pm

"Vriska,She and Terezi were the only ones online on my contact list"Ash remarked,biting down on his lip as he heard people talking again.His eyes glance at the door,just in case someone comes in.

Vriska just gives john a look,knowing not telling him would make him freak out anymore."The b*tch who killed karkat" She says,"And I'm pretty sure they're not dead,Ash sent me a huge long message about a couple of minutes ago,giving the description of the lab they're in.It sounds like One of her's" Karkat's eyes just go wide.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:13 pm

"Oh shit." She muttered, hearing the voices. She contemplated undoing the ropes around her ankles, but decided to just pretend she wasn't free. She laced her fingers behind her back as if to pretend they were still tied. She threw her head back, trying to get her hair to not stay in her face, but to no luck, it stayed there.

Blue eyes widened and he jaw dropped. He stood there, not even able to make any noise. A gust of air was the only thing coming out of John's mouth at that moment. He wanted to cry. Just literally stand there and cry.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:30 pm

Ash does the same,staring as a doctor comes in and examines the machines.His eyes go to ash,and gives him a sadistic grin.He's next,Is what comes into his mind as the doctor walks out,to check on something out,He hears murmuring that the next experiment will begin in two hours.For.Both.Of.Them.

Karkat just blinks at john,and says"John We'll get to them in time..D-don't worry."Vriska murmured,"I'm pretty sure she's at the one on this planet here.It's about 30 minutes away if you walk."

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:36 pm

"Are you f*cking kidding me?!" Casey shouts, not caring if anyone heard her. She growled lowly and went back to trying to untie her ankles "We aren't some kind of f*cking beasts they can just f*cking lock up. They might have cut me open, but we are getting out of here before they can cut you open." She said, looking back towards Ash. "...I hope..."

John's gaze went from Karkat to Vriska, a tear forming in his eyes as he tried his best to hold them back. "B-But we don't even know if thats enough time... They could be getting cut up, or- or-..." He stopped himself from going on and bit his bottom lip hard, all he could hear was his heart pounding in his ear.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:56 pm

Ash just said,"Vriska'll be here soon."His eyes just glare at the door,and he murmurs"I want to rip something up for some reason."The person he wants to rip up is the condescension.For some reason,he wants revenge.For hurting his sister.For Killing His Father.He wants to kill her.

Vriska lets out a sigh,"John,You wanta know who the condescension is?She's betty crocker.So Stop crying and let's go rescue your kids from the batterwitch." Karkat just blinks at this,and mutters"I didn't know she was betty crocker."

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:06 pm

Casey looked back towards her brother, her eyes widening a bit as she let out a deep breath. "Ash, at least try to stay calm for now, okay...?" She asked "If you want to kill something, that won't exactly go very well... Believe me, I'm on my edge too..."

"The... batterwitch...?" John asked, his sad mood disappearing. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "That.. f*cking... b*tch..." He huffed out and looked at Vriska. "What way is the lab in?" He asked, trying his best not to destroy something.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:17 pm

"I know,Sis."Ash muttered,letting out a sigh."I don't think anything could make this situation any worse."He just clenches his fists,and said,"I hope i didn't just jinx us"

"That a way"Vriska said,pointing in the direction of the lab.Watching john storm off so they had to keep up with him,"He's almost as bad as you when you're in rage mode,Karkitty" She murmurs.Karkat just growls at her and flips her off,following john.

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The kidnapping. Empty Re: The kidnapping.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:22 pm

Casey huffed and finished untying her ankles, finally rolling her feet and letting out a sigh. She ran a hand through her hair and looked over to her brother again. "Thats usually how our life works... lots of bad luck." She sighed, pushing herself up only to whimper in pain.

John didn't know how long he was walking, but he was certainly furious. He obviously wasn't the type to really kick anyones ass or anything, he just wanted his kids out of there and safe. But, he had a bad feeling that something might have happened already.

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