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Bachelor Parties! Woo~

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 3:26 pm

John had dreaded this day ever since he had told Dave about his engagement.
There it was, the day before the day he would get married to Karkat. Although he'd wear a dress and heels, it didn't matter. It was going to be the happiest day of his life.
But, alas, before he would walk down the aisle, Dave had taken it upon himself to set up his bachelor party, or, 'bachelorette party' as the blonde had put it.
John had no idea what he was in for, since Dave wouldn't say anything.
The boy was now walking down the street in order to meet up with Dave, Jake and Dirk. He was beyond worried, but deep down he hoped it wouldn't be bad at all.
He knew it was bad. It had to be.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 6:19 pm

Dirk Strider was currently looking at the gifts rose and jade had gave him to give to john,all he could guess from knowing what he heard from dave was that john really liked nic cage and that the girls' gifts were probably nic cage related.

Karkat vantas was currently heading to the lalonde house,as kanaya had requested him to go there.He wondered what exactly she had planned.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 8:50 pm

Dave turned his head to see John walking down the street. Once John had noticed him, he started to run towards the group. The boy stopped in front of Dave and smiled.
"So what do you have planned?" John asked, showing his nervousness.
"You'll see. We should head there now." Dave said, turning in the opposite direction and walking off, having John follow him, protesting.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 9:36 pm

Karkat opens the door to find his favorite movie playing,and everybody waiting for him.A movie night for a bachelor party.Perfect.

Dirk follows.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 9:41 pm

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?!" John whined, catching up to Dave.
The blonde only sent him a smirk and continued walking without saying a word.

Jake turned his head to look at Dirk.
"Do you know where we're going?" He whispered.

John was about to bug Dave again, only to turn his head and view flashing lights on top of a building. He stopped dead in his tracks and realized where they were.
"A strip club?!" John shouted.
"A gay strip club." Dave corrected.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 9:45 pm

Dirk just blinked,"Well I do now."He has a sorta surprised look on his face,he personally had no idea that this was what his brother had planned for the evening.

Karkat walks over to kanaya,and sits next to her.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 9:49 pm

John groaned and pointed towards the strip club.
"I am not going in there." He complained.
"Dude, I spent all this time planning out a bachelorette party for you and this is how to treat me. You're breaking my heart, Egderp." He said with absolutely no emotion.
"Suck it up, this is your last day before getting married."

Jake tilted his head up at the place.
"...I don't exactly want to go in there, but I suppose we have no choice..." Jake sighed, then turned back towards Dirk "Why did we tag along, again?"

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 9:55 pm

Dirk shrugs,"That's a very good question,Jake..I think it's because we had nothing better to do"Dirk murmurs to the other.

Kanaya pulls karkat into a cuddle and ruffles his hair
"We're watching your favorite movie and then we'll start the party,More people will arrive after it."
Karkat blinks.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 10:00 pm

"But Dave!!! Why couldn't we just have stayed at my house, watched a movie? Played a board game? Gotten wasted? But no, instead you bring me to a gay strip club." John stated.
"Hey, at least I'm paying for your lap dance." Dave remarked.
"My WHAT?!"

Jake nodded and looked back towards the two boys arguing.
"Bloody hell."

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 10:17 pm

Karkat raises a eyebrow,"And what do we plan to do during this party?"
"It is your last night of freedom,so i'd suggest you get drunk...and party,Dance,Live a little."
"..Are you kidding me?"\

Dirk has to stifle his laughter at this,he finds this ridiculously funny.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 10:32 pm

Dave started to move forward, John ended up staying put.
"I'm not going in there, Dave." John said stubbornly.
"You will even if I have to sling you over my shoulder and carry you in." Dave shot back "Besides, you might enjoy yourself."
"Yes, because being touched by sweaty half naked men will mean I'll be en- Hey!" John started, but was interrupted by Dave actually picking him up and walking into the club.

"Well, might as well get a move on..." Jake muttered, taking Dirk's hand and following the two boys.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 11:00 pm

"Sounds like a legit plan though."Karkat says,snuggling with her.
"Yeah.Try not to get too drunk though,Your kids might show up."Kanaya remarks.

Dirk nods,and walks with the other inside.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 11:04 pm

John kept flailing and kicking his legs as the upbeat music of the club surrounded him. It was too loud to even think, yet Dave seemed completely unfazed by it.
"Put me down!" John shouted, banging his fists onto Dave's back.
"I'll put you down if you promise you won't run away." was what he got in response.
John stopped kicked and finally agreed, once his feet touched the ground, he turned and looked at all the half dressed men walking around.
"Oh dear god, why?" He cried.

Jake walked up to John and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"It's not... that bad..." He lied.
Maybe some of those men should really have some clothes on...
About 3 layers of clothes on, actually.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 11:10 pm

Dirk remarks,"it could be worse.They could be pole dancing-Nevermind."He had just seen the stage..Now he was really wishing he was blind,or at home.Drawing 'porn' for uu was better than this.

Karkat nods,and soon the movie's over.People start to arrive,bringing alcohol and food.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun May 27, 2012 11:20 pm

"Oh god... I'm going to come home smelling like sweat and ass and my kids are going to question me..." John muttered.
Dave patted his back.
"It's okay. Lap dance time!" He said, pushing John towards the backroom, which he had reserved for such an occasion "Don't worry, I got the best just for you."
"Dave, I hate you so much right now!!"

"...I'm going to go get drunk and not remember as much of this as I can..." Jake muttered, walking towards the bar.
He ordered his drink and got it in a manner of seconds and chugged it down quickly, demanding another one.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun May 27, 2012 11:34 pm

Karkat takes a bottle of rum from sollux,and downs it one gulp."Anymore?"He asks."Yeah,KK."

Dirk raises a eyebrow,and walks over,taking a seat next to the other.He orders a shot of vodka,One of them had to stay sober so dirk was going to drink only this then not anymore.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 28, 2012 9:56 am

Before it could even protest anymore, John was forced to sit in a chair. Dave ended up having to hold the frighten boy's shoulders in order to keep him still.
They both watched as a lanky man in a leather speedo walked in. He looked as if he was suppose to be a police officer. He asked questions, knowing they were suppose to be sexual, John refused to answer them, instead Dave did for him.
That's when the upbeat music started to play even louder and the stripper started to sway his hips and start his show.
John could only scream so loud.

Jake could feel that he wasn't all that sober anymore. Alcohol did effect him greatly even if it was just one glass. He took his second drink and drank it more slowly, not even sure what was going on anymore.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 28, 2012 1:29 pm

After a while,Karkat had ended up sitting on sollux's lap and poking the other's horns with a mischievous grin on his face."Solllluuuuuuuuuxxx why are your horns so pretty?""ii don't know,kk""Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Right."Karkat then snuggled closer to the other,and says"I think you're lying to me."

Once his shot of vodka is placed down in front of him,Dirk picks up the glass and downs it.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 28, 2012 3:01 pm

The stripper had to stop once he noticed how John had forced tears into his eyes and down his face. He also questioned if he was mentally okay. Dave assured the male stripper that John wasn't mentally handicapped, just a bit of a derp.
"I'm going to go get the whip, be back in a minute." The stripper had finally said, leaving with a sway of his hips.
John snapped out of his sobbing faze and looked at Dave with extreme worry.
"Egbert, calm down. He's just using it as a prop." He stated, patting the boys shoulder.
"That's what I was worried about!!" He cried, trying to leave again, only to be pulled back.

Jake ended up staring at nothing, completely zoned out. He stifled a giggle and leaned his head against Dirk's shoulder.
"We should do something fun." He stated, soft laughter following his words.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 28, 2012 3:12 pm

"ii am not,kk.""You are too!"
Karkat forces a pout on his face,rubbing the other's horns now.A pleased look comes onto his face when sollux lets out a purr.
"Heh,Gotchu Sollux....Do you have any more rum?"He questions.
"Gimme some."
After getting some more rum,Karkat mutters,"I wanta dance with someone..."

"And What do you have in mind,english?"Dirk said,putting his right arm around the other's waist and pulling him a bit closer.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 28, 2012 3:23 pm

Once the stripper comes back, he continued the show, having John start up his screaming again, only for it to be muffled when Dave places his hand over his mouth.
John questioned what he had done wrong in order to get this horrible treatment.
He would rather Casey burning all his Nic Cage pillows then having this happen.
Okay, maybe not. But he would rather a lot of things better then this.
It took a few more minutes, then the stripper's job was done and he left. Dave ended up chuckling and ruffed the terrified boy's hair.
"C'mon, Egbert. I'll buy you a drink to make up for it." He nudged the boy.
"...I, uh, can't drink." Was all he muttered in response.

"Iunnooo." Jake slurred, "Let's dance!"

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 28, 2012 3:34 pm

"Solly Will you dance with me?"Karkat asks."No.""why not?"
"Because why?"
"Because you know why."
"Fine,I'll dance with you."

"..Okay,But expect us to look like total idiots.We both can't dance."Dirk remarks,remembering how silly they had looked at kanaya and rose's wedding.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 28, 2012 3:39 pm

"What do you mean you can't drink?" Dave asked "Not like you can get in trouble."
"No, it's not... that." John said, looking away.
Dave let out a sigh and put his hand on John's shoulders.
"Just tell me whats wrong. It's only one drink, you won't be hungover or anything." Dave said, assuming that was the reason.
John shook his head.
"It's a bit more... complicated then that." John muttered "Look, Dave I just don't want to drink."

"That's bloody well fine with me~" Jake said, immediately standing up and dragging Dirk away to the dance floor near the main stage.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon May 28, 2012 3:47 pm

Karkat then pulled sollux out of his chair,and clang to the other as the two attempted to dance a waltz.This ended up to fail,as karkat couldn't balance worth shit and ended up drunkenly falling onto the other multiple times.
"God,Kk.You really need to lay off the drinks."Sollux remarked."
So doth you."Karkat said,trying to mimic the other's lisp."My lisp doesn't sound like thath."
"Yes it does."

Dirk rolls his eyes,but never the less allows himself to get dragged.He tilts his head,hearing 'Turn me on' By nicki minaj come on.

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Bachelor Parties! Woo~ Empty Re: Bachelor Parties! Woo~

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon May 28, 2012 3:53 pm

"Bro, you're going to have to tell me whats going on. I'll pay for another lap dance if I have to." Dave threatened, not letting Egderp get away with "Something's up. I know it. Besides, you've been figgity for a while now."
John looked as if he was in thought, looking down for a moment before taking a deep breathe.
"Well... I'm... uh..." He started, then looked down and placed his hand on his stomach and stayed like that, chewing his bottom lip.
Soon, Dave finally caught on.

Jake got his footing right, not exactly caring if he bumped into anyone. Once he heard the beat of the song he started to sway his hips from side to side, raising his arms above his head and closing his eyes.

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