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Jealousy much?

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Jealousy much? Empty Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:29 pm

Everything that day started with a knock. A knock at the door, and before John knew it, his daughter had beaten him to the door. She looked back at her mother suspiciously before turning the door handle. As the girl opened, she was staring back at a familiar blonde with dark shades over his eyes. She came to her sense and smiled widely at the boy.
"Dave!" She exclaimed, almost childishly and surprised
Dave Strider flashed her an amused smirk and ruffled her hair, making sure he was careful with the horn.
"Sup, Casey?" He asked coolly.
Casey shrugged and stepped aside, letting the blonde into their home. He walked slowly inside and the girl shut the door. She turned back to see John giving Dave a goofy looking smile.
"Hey, Egderp, I don't suppose you told anyone I was coming here to visit did you?" Dave asked, shoving his hands into his pockets and walking towards the blue-eyed teen.
"It's my house, I don't need to do that." John laughed.
Thats when the two boys locked in a friendly embrace.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:40 pm

Karkat blinked at this,hearing the strider's voice.He was in the kitchen at the moment,on his husktop.He tilts his head so he can see out of the kitchen,doesn't say anything as he returns to typing on his computer.The last time he and dave had ever spoken was about when they were 14,and that experience had been less then pleasurable so he was going to avoid him all day if he could.

Ash looks up from his homework,and waves at dave before giving him a goofy looking smile much like john's before returning to reading.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:51 pm

Dave nods towards Ash briefly before looking back down at John. Even throughout the years of knowing him, he was still towering over the other boy. John was always teased about the height difference, but he didn't exactly care.
"I have a strong feeling you're going to make me watch a movie of yours and I have to listen to you gush over Nic Cage..." Dave finally said.
John quickly nodded and stuck out his tongue. "You promised you would if I ever got you over here!" The other said, tugging Dave towards the couch.
They both sat down, John just grabbed the remote knowing he had put the dvd in advance. Just as he was about to press play, Dave had snatched it out of the boys hand. John gave him a look in confusion and frustration.

Casey walked over towards her brother and sat down next to him, never letting her eyes leave the two boys.
"...Why do I suddenly get the feeling this will turn out to be a very interesting day...?" She whispered to him.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:07 pm

Ash whispered back to his sister,"Well it probably will be."He scowls down at his homework,finishing the math part of it before glancing back at john and dave.

Karkat watches them out of the corner of his eye,but continues messaging his friends he was talking to,'JOHN INVITED DAVE OVER IT LOOKS LIKE.'in less than two seconds,he's been messaged back;'Oh Oh!It's been forever since i've seen him!c: How is he doing?' 'W3LL TH4TS SUCKS FOR YOU K4RKL3S 1M GU3SS1NG YOUR3 GONN4 AVO1D H1M 4LL D4Y.' He types back,"IT LOOKS LIKE HE'S DOING FINE JADE. AND YEAH PRETTY MUCH.UGH I REALLY WISH I HAD MADE PLANS TODAY EVEN HANGING OUT WITH ERIDAN WOULD BE BETTER."

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:13 pm

"Dave, give back the remote..." John said, his voice sharp.
Dave smirked and waved the remote in John's face before raising it high above his head. "You can have it if you can reach it, Egbert."
John reached up to grab it, only for Dave to pull it back. This is when John let out a huff, pressed a hand on Dave's chest a practically crawled ontop of him. His left arm stretched out as he attempted to reach the remote, his right hand occupied as he bunched up Dave's tee-shirt. John's fingertips had barely touched it as Dave pulled it further.
"Dave!" John whined.
The blonde never let his smirk fade as he let out a chuckle.
"C'mon, you can do it." Dave encouraged.

Casey's eyes widened at the sight and practically burst out laughing. But, a hand was placed over her mouth before she was able to.
"Oh lord, you'd think they were together or something!" She whispered to her brother.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:32 pm

Ash whispered back,resisting the urge to laugh"Look at dad's face..."

Karkat shot a death glare at the two that went unnoticed by john and dave,but ash had certainty noticed it.His gaze goes back to his screen,
Karkat started to relax a little,
'UNL3SS JOHNS CH34T1NG ON YOU'He just stared at the screen,'WH1CH WOULD B3 V3RY 1RON1C'
As terezi was typing,jade sent something 'John wouldn't do that!He's not that type of boy!He's my brother so i'm pretty sure he'd at least break up with you first if he was having a affair,karkat.So just calm your tits,fuckass!And just ignore them!'

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:42 pm

Trying again, John stretched as much as he could to reach the remote. Dave, on the other hand, was enjoying watching his best friend struggle. Letting out a frustrated groan, John decided to latch him hand onto Dave's glasses, causing the blonde to let go of the remote to fix himself. John smirked as he heard the remote hit the floor. The boy sprawled himself across Dave's lap, reaching over the side and grabbing the remote then sitting back up and finally pressing play.
"You cheated." Dave sighed.
John shook his head and tossed the remote towards the other side of the couch.
"You cheated by being tall. Now shut up and enjoy the movie." John huffed, fixing his glasses.

Casey quickly turned her head and stared at her Dad.
"Oh good lord." She muttered, fighting back more laughter "You'd think their heads would explode from the look he was giving..."
She then turned back to look at Dave and John as her Dad looked back at his lap top.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:12 pm

"Wanta go see who he's talking to?"Ash mutrers to his sister under his breath,still trying to laugh.

Karkat just keeps his eyes trained on the computer as he types,"YEAH....I HOPE YOU'RE RIGHT JADE.' 'I am right!:B And you know it karkles!''SO WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT IT?' 'L1CK H1S F4C3 B*TCH3S L1K3 TH4T.'Karkat face palms,and types in," I THINK THAT WOULD BE COUNTER PRODUCTIVE.'

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:19 pm

A smirk played on Casey's face as she quickly nodded and laughed silently.

The two boys kept their eyes focused on the movie, then John decided to stretch out himself and rest his head into Dave's lap. He laid on his side so he faced the TV and felt Dave play with strands of his hair. The blonde mumbled something about how lame Nic Cage was which was rewarded by an elbow ramming right into his leg.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:42 pm

Ash gets up and heads into the kitchen with his sister as he sneaks up on karkat,"Daaaaddyyy~Who are you talking to?"he says in a mischievous voice.

Karkat just cleared the chat before ash could read it,"Oh no one you need to know about."He then types in,'YEAH..SO IS THERE ANY GOOD ROMCOMS OUT..I WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW.' 'W3LL TH3R3S 4 COUPL3 >:/ BUT K4RKL3S 1 DONT KNOW 1F 1TS PL4Y1NG 4NY T1M3 SOON' 'There's a good few!Buuut :/ I don't think terezi'd want to go see it!And i'd really like to hang out with you two together!'

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:54 pm

Casey pouted as she draped an arm over her Dad's shoulder.
"Why do you have to get out of this house? Something... bothering you~?" She teased, smirking evilly.

Another sigh came from the blonde's mouth, causing John to turn his head and look up at him.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"I'd rather be watching Twilight with Rose then watching this..." He muttered.
John groaned and sat up. "You're just mad because you aren't as awesome as Nic Cage."
"Yes, because I want to be even more awesome then Nic Cage so maybe then you would have a weird mancrush on me."
John knew he didn't have to see Dave's eyes to know that they rolled. He huffed and grabbed the remote again, putting the movie on pause.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:20 pm

Karkat shoots a glare at her,before typing in "JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE.I DON'T CARE HOW.JUST.GET.ME.THE.F*CK.OUT.OF.HERE.PLEASE." "W3LL K4RKL3S. 1 C4N G3T YOU OUT OF TH3R3 1N 4 B1T.1M B1TCHDRUBB1NG W1TH VR1SS13 NOW,1TLL B3 OV3R 1N 4 B1T.'' so hang on until then!Okay?We'll meet up for movies after she's done okay,karkitty?'

Ash just blinks at this,"Dad..Are...You okay?"he had never known karkat to say please at all..so now he was getting worried.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:29 pm

Casey noticed the concern in her brothers voice as she pulled herself back and look at Karkat.
"Daddy?" She asked, getting a bit worried as well.

John stayed silent for a little bit, hearing the conversation in the kitchen. He then quickly shrugged it off once he looked back at Dave, who had been talking.
"Did you hear a word I said?" The Strider asked.
"...Just choose a movie, Dave." John sighed.
Dave simply shrugged and got up, walking towards the shelf that held all the dvds and looked through them all. John pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them close to his body.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:59 pm

Karkat just mutters,"I'm fine."Ash rolls his eyes,and just flicks his dad's forehead."Sure daddy~.Sure."He then checks his dad's windows on his screen,"You're talking to eridan out of free will,obviously You are not alright."

Karkat just sticks out his tongue at ash,before typing."THANKS TEREZI.I OWE YOU ONE.SO JADE,HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" "I've been well!c: I mean i do get lonely at times..but i've gotten used to it,and jake helps with that.^.^"

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:13 pm

Casey slapped her hand over her forehead.
"I'm done. I can't take it. Dad, if you want to be totally f*cking depressed for no apparent reason and talk out your problems with Eridan then your loving children, thats fine too."
The girl then walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, plopping next to her Mom as she crossed her arms.

John looked at her daughter for a minute before turning back to watch Dave put in a new DVD. The blonde walked over and snatched the remote from John, pressing play and returning to his spot on the couch.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:18 pm

Ash just blinks,and pushes karkat a bit,so he can see what he was talking to eridan about"Oh....."a bemused smile shows up on his face,"Really dad?Reaaaally You two are talking about the pros and cons of..kis-whatitsis?'He then leaves the room,and takes a seat next to his sister.

'AND I JUST GOT YELLED AT BY MY DAUGHTER FOR TALKING TO ERIDAN.SHE THINKS I'M BEING DEPRESSED. I AM NOT.D:<' 'actucally..she has a point..You're avoiding dave like he's the plague and just.....Nevermind.'

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:30 pm

John looked over towards Ash and then Casey.
"Done pestering your father?" He asked.
Casey let out a sigh and crossed her arms, almost glaring at the tv.
"He got boring." She finally said, not bothering to mention the fact he was talking to Eridan.
John nodded and got up, fixing his shirt and causing Dave to glance up at him.
"I'm going to make some popcorn." He finally said, walking into the kitchen.
The boy glanced at Karkat for a moment, then he reached the cupboard and opened it, peering inside and searching for the box of popcorn which was slightly hidden.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:49 pm

Karkat looks up from his computer and at john,a scowl coming onto his face as he says"Your sister says hi,Egbert."His gaze goes back to his computer and it's clear he's attempting to ignore john for some reason.
Ash muttered to his sister,"They were talking about black romance for some reason..."He jsut shrugs and has a confused look on his face,wondering why the f*ck would eridan and karkat talk about that.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:02 pm

John turned his head, opening his mouth with a smile only to stare at the back of Karkat's head. His smile slowly vanished as he realized he was being ignored. He looked down for a moment, before turning back towards to cupboard.
"Tell her I say hi." He said, trying to mask the upset tone in his voice, actually doing quite well.
He didn't bother to say another word, knowing if Karkat was going to be cranky, he wasn't going to even try and communicate with the troll. He grabbed a packet from inside the box of popcorn, walked to the microwave and put it in, setting the time and waiting patiently for it to finish.

Casey looked at her brother, rolling her eyes and finally playing with a strand of her hair.
"This is ridiculous." She muttered "He's acting like a child, in my eyes."
Dave glanced at the two teens for a moment, his eyes well hidden behind his glasses. He glanced towards the kitchen door, debating if he should get up and go see if John needed his help with anything.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:04 pm

Karkat continues typing,before he speaking up softly,"I'm heading to the movies with terezi and jade as soon as terezi's done flarping."He goes back to typing.

Ash shrugs again,'eh He's just being jealous.'he mutters.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:24 pm

Turning his head, John looked over his shoulder towards Karkat. He then nodded and looked back towards the microwave.
"Okay." He said, faster then he needed to.
The beeping of the microwave indicated that it was done. John quickly grabbed a bowl from the counter, took out the bag of popcorn and poured it into the bowl. He threw the now empty bag into the garbage and quickly left the room, without saying another word.

Watching the boy emerge from the kitchen, Dave raised an eyebrow as to why the boy looked so upset. He sighed, knowing it had something to do with the cranky troll hidden in the kitchen. The Strider couldn't help but smirk inwardly at how he stayed hidden within the room, most likely avoiding him.
But, he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as John sat back on the couch with the bowl in his lap.

Casey's gaze darted back towards the floor, a pout clearly forming on her face.
"Sometimes when they act like this it just pisses me off." She whispered.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:45 pm

Ash is about to say something,when the door opens and walks in.She says one thing before heading into the kitchen which is a simple hello.She walks over to karkat,and pokes him"H3y K4rkl3s.You r34dy to go or wh4t?""Yeah..You invite anyone?""L3 Duh.4r4n34,Vr1sk4,4nd 4 f3w mor3.""..You might wanta change out of your flarp outfit.""Pshh whyyyyyyy?"
Ash just blinks surprised when he sees that dave almost looks surprised.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:59 pm

Casey, Dave and John all kept their eyes as to where Terezi headed.
"Was that-?" John asked, not bothering to finish his question.
Dave nodded and never let his eyes leave the door. His face stayed straight, but over all he was surprised. He leaned over towards John and whispered.
"Hey, Karkat and Terezi aren't together... right?" He asked.
John quickly turned his face to look at Dave. His eyes were wide and the look on his face was kind of resembling a puppy who had just been kicked. Instead on answering, John looked back at the ground and stayed quiet.

Casey heard what Dave had whispered, then seeing John's face made her hurt a little on the inside. She quickly looked back towards the kitchen door, wondering if she should get up and walk over there. Her legs wouldn't let her move, but her mind was racing.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:43 pm

Terezi hears this alarmed before shouting,"F*CK NO!We aren't!"She walks out of the room with karkat,"Gog...I only have two quadrants filled and those are black rom.Aka.I hate one of those people in those quadrants and i'm keeping sollux and karkat from trying to kill each other in the other."She huffs,looking a little pissed off."and if i was ever to go into a red romance with karkat again,It'd be moirails."
Ash just blinked at this,shocked.

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Jealousy much? Empty Re: Jealousy much?

Post  KitsuneKannibal Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:47 pm

"Okay, okay. Calm down. It was just a question." Dave muttered, rolling his eyes. "You never know."
John sat there with wide eyes, kind of shocked at how Terezi shouted. Casey just looked around the room, huffing before standing up.
"Well, since this just turned incredibly awkward I'm going to go smack my head against the fridge now!" Casey said, walked past Karkat and Terezi and disappeared into the kitchen.

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