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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:08 pm

Ash was just staring at his father.when he had woken up,He had been surprised at the sight downstairs.Karkat snuggling with One Kanaya Maryam watching some troll rom-com,as his mother glared at karkat.Karkat had just rolled his eyes,and continued snuggling the other troll happily.He's never seen karkat smile so much in one day...

Karkat was now talking to kanaya about vriska,"Yeah You're right.She does need to be more careful,We don't need anything happening like the aradia incident again."Kanaya nods,"If anything like that happens again,We'd be in trouble, Karkat..You Know someone hacked into her account earlier this week." "How in fucks' sake did someone do that?"

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:21 pm

John was not trying to be obvious, he wanted it to be obvious. Ever since certain events happened in his life over a year ago, he would easily turn his personality from a happy derp into a 'jealous girlfriend' type. He would flash Karkat a few glares, scoffing as he watched him cuddle up to Kanaya. The blue eyed boy currently resided on the chair near the window, switching his gaze from the window to Karkat constantly. He knew the troll knew of his glares. But he couldn't help it at all.

Casey bounced down the steps happily, dressed up and ready to go out and just hang around with a few of her friends from school. But, as she looked over towards the scene in the living room, she stopped herself before she made her way towards the front door. She blinked as she looked at Karkat and Kanaya then over towards John. Her gaze then turned towards Ash and she let her bag fall to the floor as she let out a troubled sigh. She knew if she leaves, there might be trouble. She walked over towards her brother and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Hello Kanaya, it's a surprise seeing you here." The girl smiled over to the female troll, knowing to greet her kindly.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:35 pm

Kanaya answered with a small smile on her face,"Hello Casey,and Oh Karkat invited me over for some reason...."She shrugs since she doesn't know the answer,and glances over at karkat.Karkat just muttered something under his breath,"it was either her or gamzee..."Then added something under his breath about a feelings jam.Honestly,He has no idea why john's glaring at him like that,It should be clear that him and her are moirails.He looks at casey,"Did you know someone hacked into vriska's account on trollian?"

Ash just bites down his lip,and blinks at this.He shoots a worried look at john.He glances at sister,wondering what she thought of this.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:49 pm

Casey shook her head and gave her Dad a confused look. "I had no idea..." She said, thinking about it. She then quickly shrugged and looked at her brother before turning back towards John.

John paid to attention to what everyone was saying, he was currently glaring at the mailbox down at the end of the driveway. He muttered something under his breath and got up, heading towards the kitchen for no particular reason.

The girl rolled her eyes, reached over towards the man pillow which was at the far end of the couch and followed her mother into the kitchen, muttering under her breath that hes pmsing more then half the girls at her school.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:41 pm

Karat then looked at kanaya,"Wanta watch that one movie with troll adam sandler?""Sure"Karkat just leans over to his husktop,and clicks on his movie player,selecting the movie.He watches as the movie starts to play,and wonders what the hell is up with john..Glaring at him all day for No apparent reason at all.

Ash just walks over to his father,and kanaya and takes a seat on the couch.he stares at the movie for a moment,and he tilts his head,hearing angry whispers from the kitchen.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:34 pm

"Mom, what in the ever living f*ck are you doing?!" Casey growled lowly, watching at John looked into the fridge. The boy looked up at his daughter before closing it. "Nothing." He whispered back, trying to move past her. She stuck her arm out and caused him to stumble backwards. "Your jealous little act needs to stop." She whispered. In response, John rolled his head and let out a huff "He just- Gah! He doesn't- Casey, you wouldn't understand." He whispered back. A growl erupted from Casey's throat and she threw the manpillow at her Mother, causing him to latch onto it and hold it close against his chest. "Now, because of you, I'm stuck here making sure you don't go around killing anyone because of your jealousy problem. I understand why you're jealous, but honestly theres no reason to be, okay?! Now either go sit there like a pleasant man or go straight to your room and sulk while hugging your man pillow or I swear to f*cking god I will burn that thing again, do you motherf*cking understand me?" Casey threatened, causing John to quickly nod and hug the pillow close. The girl let out a sigh and walked out of the kitchen, taking a seat next to Ash as she glared at the ground and kept her arms crossed.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:00 am

Kanaya blinks,hearing the whole argument.She whispers to karkat,"You don't think he's mistaking us for...?" Karkat huffs and nods,"Yeah i think he is."Kanaya wonders for a moment,before asking in a hushed whisper"Don't you think we should correct his assumptions?"Karkat just scowls,and lets out a low snarl,"I'm going to let him suffer this once.If He thinks i'd cheat on him..He's being a fuckass..I'll let him find out on his own."Ash then blinks and asks quietly,"What is your two's relationship then anyways?" Karkat turns and looks at ash,He muttered"She's one of my moirails.Don't tell your mother and I'll let you go to that concert you wanted to go to."He glances back at his husktop,and glares at it when the movie won't work."F*ck this shit,I'll just play amnesia or nightmare house 2 then..."

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:41 am

"Now thats just cruel..." Casey interjected, glancing at her Dad.
She then proceeded to watch as John finally emerged from the kitchen, keeping his head low as he returned back to his chair. He pulled his knees up to his chest as he held the pillow close, turning his head to look out the window without looking at anyone or saying any words.
Casey let out a small sigh and pulled out her PDA, looking for someone to talk to since she needed to be distracted before to tore that stupid pillow in half.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:30 pm

The only one who was online was one single name it seemed,arachnidsGrip.Though As to who was on the account,was a mystery since vriska's account was hacked into.It could be the spider b*tch or the person who hacked in.

Karkat rolls his eyes and glances at kanaya,"Zombie Game or Mystery game?" "..Zombie."Kanaya answers,Ash just leans over to look at the husk top as Karkat loads nightmare house 2.He grins in a happy manner,and starts the game,heading to the shed where his axe is contained.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:43 pm

Tilting her head, Casey stared closely at the name for a minute. She quickly clicked on it and opened the chat, "Vriska?" She typed, pulling her legs up to sit crossed-legged as she waited for a reply.

John sat still, staying as quiet as possible as he felt jealousy run through him. He let out a deep breath of air and let a finger scratch at the seams on the pillow. His blue eyes were focused on nothing, really, but when he snapped back out of his trance, he found the mailbox quite interesting.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:50 pm

The SpiderGal Blinks at the message she has received,Another Person trying to get a hold of Vriska."H8llo,Casey"She types in,waiting for a response.She only knows who this is because She is the slyph of light.

Karkat starts playing the game,Ash almost jumping out of his seat with the girl shows up."Holy-"Karkat lets out a little laugh,"This game does that a lot.Get used to it,Ash" Ash just pouts in a manner simlair to his mother,and Kanaya watches the game interested.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:05 pm

Casey raised an eyebrow and quickly responded "Now, is this actually Vriska or the one who hacked her?" She wasn't one to usually jump to conclusions, but she wasn't in the mood to exactly play along. She needed to find out who it was. She then jumped as she heard her brother jump as well, meeting eyes with her mom before looking towards Ash. She then moved over and leaned against her brother, looking at the game and became amazed.

John fought back any laughter that tried to get out, he was upset and he wanted it to stay that way. He looked over the four on the couch. he let out a sigh and turned his head and proceeded to look out the window again.

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honk.HONK.ho-F*CK THIS SHIT Empty Re: honk.HONK.ho-F*CK THIS SHIT

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:16 pm

"Hacked into it?No,I Simply knew her password.If she had 8een a 8it more careful I wouldn't have discovered it"Is the response of the hacker.

Ash just stares at the game along with his sister,screaming when the girl appears again.His expression is wide eyes,as Karkat continues playing.Kanaya lets out a tiny giggle,and remarks something to karkat in alternian.Karkat laughs,and hands the controls over to kanaya.He smirks at ash,and casey.There's so going to be more jumpscares for them,He then glances at john worriedly.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:46 pm

"Clever. So who are you?" Casey typed quickly, then turning her attention back to the game.
She was about to open her mouth but then the girl popped up again, causing her to shriek. "F*ck! Shit! That stupid whore!!!" She shouted shortly afterwards.

Jumping, John turned his head to look back at them. His eyes were wide as he heard Casey scream then followed by her ranting. It nearly made him have a heart attack. The boy hesitantly looked away, worried that she might actually destroy something by being scared.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:04 pm

"Hm.My name is Aranea Serket(I'm just assuming that's her last name)"The Spider Gal typed,leaning back in her chair in the dream bubble she was currently in.She glances around,looking for her friend.

a familiar sound played,and Kanaya glanced at karkat,He murmured"Don't answer it.Whoever it is can wait until later."Kanaya then glances at ash and casey,"Would either of you like to take the controls?"Ash shakes his head,fervently"No.No.No.No."

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:38 pm

"Judging by your last name, I assume you're somewhat related to Vriska?" Casey typed before flashing Kanaya an evil smirk.
"Oh, f*ck yeah!" She said happily.
The girl reached over and took the controls from Kanaya and begun to play. She started to attack everything in sight as she started to freak out. She cursed a few times in Alternia, since they were the only words she knew and laugh evilly and she attacked the zombies.

Before John knew it, he had fallen asleep.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:49 pm

"Correct"Aranea typed.
Karkat lets out laugh,and watches casey gets to the last part of the intro.Ash blinks and says quietly so ,"Wait..That was just the intro?!" "Yup"Karkat answers.Ash grins and says with a evil smirk,"Welp looks like casey gets to the f*ck the next part of the game up."Kanaya nods,and continues watching the game with a amused look on her face.

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:06 pm

Quickly grabbing her PDA, Casey quickly typed her response "So, where exactly is Vriska and why are you on her account?"
She then set the PDA on her lap and continued playing. Her eyes narrowed as she stuck out her tongue and walked around. "F*cking shit, the music isn't- HOLY F- Where the HELL is this b*tch coming from?!" She shouted.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:14 pm

"Vriska's flarping and I'm on her account because i have nothing better to do."

Karkat laughs,and said"Just play the game,casey."Once they see dr.romero,Ash says."And Who the f*ck are you?"He glares at the screen,and just stares at the screen when the girl's waiting outside the window for them.He whimpers,"Why the hell does she keep on scaring us?"

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Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:21 pm

Casey looks back at her Dad as she hands the controls to her brother. "Can't be tamed~" She simply says, looking at her PDA and reading the message.
"So, going on her account is the best you could think of?" She typed, then took the controls back from her brother and proceeded to keep playing.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:26 pm

"I'm dead,My friend hasn't visited for weeks So I'm stuck in a dream 8u88le by myself with no one to talk to.If You were stuck in this situation,I 8et You would do the same"Is Aranea's reply.

Karkat just takes the controls from casey once they reach chapter 2,and starts running around,hitting every zombie with the axe as he mutters,"F*ck You .and f*ck you. F*ck all of you."Ash lets out a laugh,and grins."Wow dad aggressive much?" Kanaya looks at karkat,"You do realize you have a gun karkat?" "That gun's a piece of shit."

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honk.HONK.ho-F*CK THIS SHIT Empty Re: honk.HONK.ho-F*CK THIS SHIT

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:59 pm

Casey blinked a few times before deciding to reply.
"I don't think I would go on my relatives account... Man this conversation turned weird." Casey typed back, running a hand through her long hair and finally ignoring the game. She started to think about this for a minute.

She then looked over towards John, he slept soundlessly with the pillow nearly crushed into his chest. Casey quickly stood up and walked over, grabbing another pillow and trying to trade them. Once she was done with that, she tucked the manpillow under her arm and sighed.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:10 pm

"True....Though I think you're interesting,Casey.I'd ask if you'd like to be friends...8ut.."Aranea types and sends..After the but part,she doesn't know what to type.Has no idea how to continue it.

Karkat looks amused at this,and asks "What are you going to do with his man pillow?"He contiunes playing the game,before handing the controls to ash.

Ash starts to play,nearly jumping out of his seat 5 or 6 times.

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honk.HONK.ho-F*CK THIS SHIT Empty Re: honk.HONK.ho-F*CK THIS SHIT

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:28 pm

"I wouldn't mind being friends, although unless theres a problem with that?" Casey typed, then looked back at her Dad.
A sly smirk played on her face as she let out a low laugh.
"Burn it, obviously." She winked, strutting outside as she grabbed a bunch of matches from her back pocket. She tossed the pillow on the ground and stared down at it for a minute before setting a match on fire and tossing it at the fabric.

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Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:43 pm

"There's no pro8lem with it,I'll pester you on my own account later I suppose.Good8ye for now,Casey."

Karkat hears a couple of beeps coming from his pda,He reads over the messages and he shudders.His eyes go wide,and just buries his head in kanaya's shoulders."K-Kanaya...Gamzee went sober again."He can't stop trembling.

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