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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:01 pm

It was dark, just a few minutes past midnight, and way past her curfew. Casey bolted down the street, actually in pain. Considering what she had just done, it would be surprising if she wasn't. Just leaving Zack's house just a few minutes ago, her mind swirled as she thought over the events that happened. She cursed at herself as she realized she had left her sweater at his home, not able to cover the bruises and scratches placed on her pale arms. The hickeys along her neck, her slightly messy hair. Not only that, but the scratch marks on her thighs rubbing against the fabric of her jeans. She wanted to stop, scream and not go home. But, hopefully, she would be able to sneak in, in hopes that her dad would go back to Alternia for the night like he did before and her mom would be asleep.

John sat on the couch, the dim light of the lamp next to him illuminating the room. He kept his gaze on the window, peering outside for any sign of his daughter. His leg shook, his stomach did flips. He was worried as to what might have happened to her. Gruesome, crazy ideas popping into his head didn't make the situation any better.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:09 pm

Karkat Vantas's gaze was on the door,he was worried out of his mind of course. but still his daughter had assured him that she was capable of taking care of herself days ago? That had to count for something right,He thought stubbornly but quickly pestered vriska on his pda,asking her if she knew anything but the spider troll simply responded that she hadn't heard from casey as well.
Ash was wide awake,and in his room that he shared with his sister, the lights on and his mp3 player blasting out music into his ears as he just gazed out the window,"Casey you are so in trouble"He muttered quietly.He still was grounded and under surveillance for the night he had went into a club,and had promptly gotten drunk.But still,he hoped his sister hadn't done anything that bad.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:33 pm

"Shit." The girl muttered, halting just before her house and scowling at the lights still being on.
Casey quickly thought up a lame excuse before walking up to the door and opening it, walking inside. She quietly closed it behind her. "I-I'm home!" She called out "Sorry I'm late."

John quickly bolted up and stood in front of the girl, getting a closer look. His eyes widened at the bruises and scratches all over her visible skin, then got a glimpse at her face to see that there was a mark just below her bottom lip line, red and looks as if it was recently bleeding.
"Good god, what happened?!" He asked, his worry level just going through the roof.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:46 pm

Karkat looks up from his pda,and he quickly observes the girl silently.He takes note of the scratches and bruises,before his eyes widen.He's seen this before with tavros when he came home from vriska's one night.Karkat's mind narrows this down to two possibilities,She's either had hate sex in which he's going to kill the person who did that or she got into a fight.

Ash heard that his sister was home,and walked out of his room,and downstairs.He takes one look at her,"Holy-wow.What happened?"He asked in a concerned tone.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:52 pm

"I... uh... I fell?" Casey said, using yet another lame excuse she thought of right off the bat.

"Casey, falling doesn't cause this much damage." John added, narrowing his eyes.

"...Into a rose bush?" She said, "W-With sharp rocks!"
The girl rubbed the back of her head and laughed nervously "I-I guess I was lost in thought and kind of tripped over a rock. I should really be more careful." She said.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:05 pm

Karkat just raised a eyebrow,and he just said,"You do realize,I've seen tavros go home like that before After coming home from vriska's. they're kisemesis's"He gave john a look that said,'yeah that might have happened to our daughter.' He tried to come up with other ideas that would be better than that,more acceptable.but none crossed his mind.

Ash got what his dad was speculating,"That's more possible than the rose bush thing"

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:09 pm

"And weren't you at that Zack's house?" John questioned, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow.

Casey's face heated up as she pressed her back against the door, only to wince in pain from her wounds burning. She quickly hissed and stepped forward.
"O-Okay... Maybe it had something to do with that..." She muttered under her breath.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:20 pm

Karkat then suggested to ash to go get some neosporin,in which ash gladly went to the one of the restrooms to search the medicine cabinet for some.The troll's gaze then went back to his daughter and john.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:24 pm

"Casey... you didn't.." John said, looking at her and giving her a shocked look.

"C'mon, I can experiment too." She muttered "Can't stay 'innocent little Casey' forever, you know."
She eyed her parents closely, just feeling guilty for what she had done.
"Besides, if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to leave." She finally said.

John's eyes widened more as he looked back at Karkat, then back towards Casey. He placed his hand on his forehead and stared into the distance.
"Oh dear god." He muttered.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:43 pm

Karkat's gaze shifted to the ground as he muttered,"Please tell you two were at least safe." He's going to kill zack when he has the chance,most likely after john,casey and ash go to sleep. Maybe he can recruit equius to help him? but then he'd be stuck with the sweaty bastard. He watches as ash walks in with the neosporin and just hands it to his sister,before walking and sitting down on his chair.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:56 pm

Casey quickly thought back for a moment, wondering if they did use protection. She then remembered Zack pulling out a condom from his back pocket and she nodded. She then scowled and figured he had planned to do that all along. She took the neosporin and walked over towards the stairs.
"I'm going to take a shower." She muttered in shame as she walked up them and to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it.

John quickly leaned against the wall and sighed deeply.
"I would have expected this more from Ash. No offense, son." John stated, looking towards the boy.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:01 pm

Ash let out a humorless chuckle,"None taken.I thought i was going to lose my virginity first,but Guess not. "He shrugged, and his gaze went to his father,"I'm surprised though that you figured it out,just by seeing tavros come home one night from vriska's"

Karkat just scowled slightly,and looked down at his pda,he typed out a message and sent it to equius .He knew he was going to regret this later.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:09 pm

John blinked.
"I can't believe that's what kis- uh... kisem- ...however the hell you pronounce it does..." John stared at the ground for a minute and shivered "Must be painful."

Casey quickly stripped off her clothing and eyed her pale body. She huffed as she saw scratches everywhere, burning and nearly bleeding. She turned on to water and traced her fingers over the scratches going down her stomach, wincing a bit before stepping into a shower. She started to scream but quickly covered her mouth, trying to not startle everyone downstairs.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:22 pm

Karkat just shrugged,
"Depends on what type of kisemesis you have,if it's more of a hate or rivalry one.But Vriska takes it to the extreme,She made tavros jump off a cliff by mind control...Honestly,I'm glad i don't have one myself."He remarked.

'Not yet'Ash thought,giving a glance to his mom.He had asked terezi about quadrants a while ago.Kisemesis's were needed.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:34 pm

"Well, I don't know about you... But I'm going to bed before my head explodes." John said, pushing himself off the wall "Troll romance, Casey, staying up too late... It's too much."

Casey had finished getting washed. Many painful minutes and she stepped out. Her body smelling like Vanilla and her hair like strawberries, she could mask the smell of sex that was surrounding her before. She stared at herself in the mirror for a brief moment, her hair curling from being wet. She grabbed her red towel and quickly left the bathroom and went into her room, getting dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. She snarled at the marks on her arms and put on her sweater as well.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:50 pm

"Night"Was all karkat said as he watched john walk up stairs,along with ash heading to his room.once he was sure they wouldn't hear him or see him,He slipped outside and headed to the park to meet equius.Once the high blood showed up with kanaya,Karkat said before he could even speak"We're going to kill a douche bag"Kanaya raised a eyebrow,and said"Karkat,What did the boy do?I'm suspecting this-"Karkat interrupted,glaring at equius"You better have brought your own towels"

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:03 pm

Casey quickly peered out the window, catching Karkat leave the house and walk down the street.
"What the hell does he think he's up to?" She asked herself, narrowing her eyes.
She pushed herself away from the window and crossed her arms, knowing he was probably going to hunt down Zack. She chewed thoughtfully at her bottom lip, wincing a bit from it stinging. She even wondered how he was suppose to find the asshole's house.

John quickly got himself ready for bed and slipped into it. He rolled over and took off his glasses. He closed his eyes briefly and tried to fall asleep.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:11 pm

His eyes went to kanaya,"Kanaya,You're still a vampire or whatever it's called right?"He asked. Kanaya just nodded,and flashed her fangs,"Why?"She asked,curiously. He pointed in the direction of where casey walked home,"I need you to track my daughter's scent to the place she was earlier,Equius.I'll need you to break down the door when we get there""Y-Yes,Sir"Equius stammered.

Ash said from his bed,"Where do you think he went?"

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:22 pm

"It should be fairly obvious." Casey muttered, changing out of her sweatpants and into her skinny jeans "And we're going after him. As much as I hate Zack, I can't just let dad murder him."
She flipped her hair a bit, checking to see how dry it was.
"Besides... thats my job." She muttered.

John heard his kids talking, but wasn't able to make out any words, only mumbles.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:28 pm

"Should we drag mom along or no?"Ash curiously said,getting up from his bed and putting on his hoodie.

Karkat just shot a glare at equius and said"And do not get off on my orders,Or Else."Equius just muttered something about needing a towel,before kanaya started leading them to zack's house.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:34 pm

"I don't know if we should..." Casey muttered, walking towards the bedroom door and swinging it open. She then made up her mind and walked into her Mother's room, leaning against the walk as she crossed her arms.
"Mom, get dressed. Dad's going out to kill Zack." She said.

John groaned and sat up.
"I don't think he's going to-" He started, then thought about it for a minute "...Yeah, okay. Let's go."
John quickly got out of bed but didn't bother to change. He grabbed a sweater and his glasses and rushed out the room and down the stairs.
"F*ck, Karkat, just couldn't let it go, could you?" He asked himself, waiting for the kids to catch up.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:08 pm

Ash just followed his mother downstairs and walked over to the door,and opened it."Well you know how dad is"He remarked.

Karkat indulged in a bit of conversation with kanaya as they walked,He then glared at equius and asked"So how's nepeta?"Equius remarked coldly,"She's still heartbroken over you."

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:14 pm

Casey huffed and quickly put on her high tops, rushing out the door and into the warm breeze of the night.
"Sadly. God, why is he so protective?!" She asked, turning towards the direction of Zack's house.

"He's just looking out for you..." John stated "In his weird.. killer way..."

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  xXKnightofBloodXx Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:19 pm

"It's dad,His species is naturally prone to violence and Uh Mom,Dad's actually never killed anyone"Ash said,following his sister.

Karkat just looked at the ground,feeling guilty as he contiuned walking."She'll get over you though,She has better options than you"Equius remarked with a glare in karkat's direction.Kanaya just sighed,and contiuned walking.

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Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome. Empty Re: Hate sex can have a dangerous outcome.

Post  KitsuneKannibal Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:23 pm

"Well if we don't hurry, that'll change, won't it?" John asked.

Casey bit the inside of her cheek.
"I'll never forgive him if he kills Zack." She muttered under her breath, wanting to vomit just by saying those words.

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